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Articles by author Punam Pradhan

  Short Report

Validity and Reliability of an Inertial Measurement Unit (BTS G-Walk) for Measurement of Countermovement Jump Height: A pilot-study

Sandeep Kumar1, Joseph Singh1, Punam Pradhan2, Sanjeev Kumar3, Rohit K. Thapa4

1Department of Sports Biomechanics, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, India
2Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences (Faculty of Inter-Disciplinary & Applied Sciences, University of Delhi), New Delhi, India
3Department of Physical Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India
4School of Physical Education and Sports, Rashtriya Raksha University, Gandhinagar, India

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2023, 7(3), 19-22

DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.230704

Abstract | Article (PDF – 325KB) | References