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Articles by author James Selfe

  Original scientific paper

Physiological Profile of Brazilian Elite Soccer Players: Comparison between U-17, U-20 and professionals

Carlos Herdy1, Pablo B. Costa2, Roberto Simão3, James Selfe4

1Estácio de Sá University, Graduate Program in Physical Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2California State University, Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, Fullerton, USA
3Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Physical Education Graduate Program, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
4University of Central Lancashire, School of Sport, Tourism and the Outdoors, Preston, UK

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2018, 2(3), 43-47

DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.180708

Abstract | Article (PDF – 112KB) | References