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Izet Bajramovic1, Slavenko Likic1, Munir Talovic1, Haris Alic1, Eldin Jeleskovic1, Rasim Lakota1, Nedim Covic1, , ,

1University of Sarajevo, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Analysis of Body Composition and Specific Motor Movements of Junior Football Players

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2019, 3(2), 25-28 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.190405


The aim of the research was to determine correlations between body composition and situational motor movements in football. The sample consisted of 22 respondents (16-18 years of age, 179.6 ± 5.0 cm, 71.2 ± 7.2 kg), selected from junior football players that compete at the highest competition level for this category in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the purposes of this research, a set of 7 variables was used. The Pearson correlation coefficient determined a medium high correlation between explosive strength of sprint type - running at 10m with body weight (r = .473; p <.05), and with body mass index 10m (r = .576; p <.01). It can be concluded that more corpulent and havier players with optimum body mass index have better results in short sprint distance at 10m. The height of players does not make a significant contribution to the realization of specific footbal movements. Favorable body composition is not sufficient to explain the quality of the performance of specific motor movements in football.


Anthropometry, Sprinting, Specific Movements in Football

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