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Admire Hasani-Toverlani1, Vullnet Ameti1, Shpresa Memishi1

1University of Tetova, Faculty of Physical Education, Tetovo, Macedonia

The Differences in Morphological Structure of Handball Player’s from Junior League in Kosovo

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2019, 3(2), 49-53 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.190409


The aim of this study was to recognize the differences in the morphological structure of handball players from junior leagues in Kosovo. The sample included 20 male active handball players from four handball junior teams. They compete in irregular competition in Handball Federation, Kosovo, divided into 4 subsamples: five players were from H.C. “Trepca” - Mitrovica, five players were from H.C. “Kastrioti” - Ferizaj, five players were from H.C. “Bashkim Idrizi” - Gjakova, and five players were from H.C. “Prishtina” - Prishtina. Anthropometric characteristics were evaluated by a battery of five variables: body weight, body height, length of arms, length of hands and breadth of hand. The data were analyzed by a statistical package, they are processed in the SPPS program, version 20.0 for Windows. Scientific research is done in the composition of the anthropometric space. The standard central and dispersive parameters are calculated for all variables. The significance of the differences between the group was determined by a t-test for independent samples, at the significance level of p<0.05. Based on the results of this study, a significant difference was confirmed between anthropometric variables between most groups. These facts show that there are differences from the first-place team to the fourth place team in the Kosovo junior championship.


Handball, Junior League, Anthropometric Space, Kosovo

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