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Boris Banjevic1, , ,

1Army of Montenegro, Airforce Military of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Scientific Artical of the Lecturers from the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education in Niksic Published in the Journal Sport Mont between 2016 and 2018: A Content Analysis

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2019, 3(4), 47-51 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.191009


Sport Mont is a scientific journal which has been existing since 2003 and it has published a great number of works of renowned scientists in the field of sport sciences and medicine. The journal has been indexed in more international database, it is released three times a year, and the published works are mostly presented on the scientific conference of the Montenegrin Sport Academy. Sport Mont, in addition to the original scientific works, publishes reviews, editorials, short reports, as well as the calls and awards for works in the field of sport sciences and medicine. This essay deals with the contents analysis of the scientific research works where the authors and co-authors are the lecturers of the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education in Nikšić, published in the journal Sport Mont between 2016 and 2018. They have been sorted according to the scientific fields they belong to, and through discussion, a short overview of the obtained results has been given. This way makes possible an easier search of the mentioned articles for the authors who express their interest for them.


Sport Science, Sport Mont, Medicine

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Arifi, F., Gardašević, J., & Mašanović, B. (2018). Relationship between foot length measurements and body height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in central region of Kosovo. Sport Mont, 16(3), 69-74.

Bjelica, D., Gardašević, J., Vasiljević, I., & Popović, S. (2016). Ethical dilemmas of sport advertising. Sport Mont, 14(3), 41-43.

Bjelica, D., Milošević, Z., Talović, M., & Bajramović, I. (2018). Repulsion of the futsal ball depending on the pressure in it. Sport Mont, 16(2), 61-67.

Bojanić, D., Ljubojević, M., & Bubanja, M. (2016). The effect of regular physical education in the transformation motor development of children with special needs. Sport Mont, 14(1), 21-23.

Bubanja, M., Milašinović, R., & Bojanić, D. (2016). Effect of morphological characteristics and motor abilities on the execution of technical elements in alpine skiing. Sport Mont, 14(3), 11-14.

Ćorluka, M., Bjelica, D., Vasiljević, I., Bubanja, M., Georgiev, G., & Zeljko, I. (2018). Differences in the morphological characteristics and body composition of football players of HSC Zrinjski Mostar and FC Siroki Brijeg in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sport Mont, 16(2), 77-81.

Gardašević, J., Bjelica, D., & Vasiljević, I. (2016). Six-week preparation period and its effects on transformation movement speed. Sport Mont, 14(1), 13-16.

Gardašević, J., Bjelica, D., Vasiljević, I., & Milašinović, R. (2016). The effects of the training in the preparation period on the repetitive strength transformation with cadet level football players. Sport Mont, 14(2), 31-33.

Gardašević, J., Bjelica, D., & Vasiljević, I. (2017). The strength of kicking the ball after preparation period with U15 football players. Sport Mont, 15(2), 39-42.

Gardašević, J., Bjelica, D., & Ćorluka, M. (2018). The impact of the preparation period on endurance at football players U16. Sport Mont, 16(1), 21-24.

Gardašević, J. (2018). Relationship between sitting height measurements and standing height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in eastern region of Kosovo. Sport Mont, 16(2), 15-19.

Gardašević, J., Mašanović, B., & Arifi, F. (2018). Relationship between tibia length measurements and standing height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in southern region of Kosovo. Sport Mont, 16(3), 51-55.

Gušić, M., Popović, S., Molnar, S., Mašanobić, B., & Radaković, M. (2017). Sport-specific morphology profile: differences in anthropometric characteristics among elite soccer and handball players. Sport Mont, 15(1), 3-6.

Krivokapić, D., & Tanase, G. (2016). Methods for evaluation of some psychomotor abilities. Sport Mont, 14(2), 17-19.

Krivokapić, D. (2017). Theories of tiredness in sport. Sport Mont, 15(1), 35-37.

Ljubojević, M., Muratović, A., & Bubanja, M. (2016). Effects of various physical education curriculum on motor skills in students of final grades in primary school. Sport Mont, 14(1), 25-28.

Ljubojević, M., Muratović, A., & Bubanja, M. (2017). Structure of cognitive abilities and skills of lifeguards. Sport Mont, 15(1), 27-29.

Maroš, M. (2018). Youth and sport in Montenegro. Sport Mont, 16(2), 97-100.

Maroš, M. (2018). A content analysis of published articles in Montenegrin journal of sports science and medicine from 2012 to 2018. Sport Mont, 16(3), 97-102.

Mašanović, B., Gardašević, J., & Arifi, F. (2018). Relationship between foot length measurements and body height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in eastern region of Kosovo. Sport Mont, 16(1), 9-13.

Mašanović, B., Gardašević, J., & Arifi, F. (2018). Relationship between foot length measurements and standing height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in southern region of Kosovo. Sport Mont, 16(2), 27-31.

Mašanović, B. (2018). Standing height and its estimation utilizing arm spam and foot length measurements in Dinaric Alps population: A systematic review. Sport Mont, 16(2), 101-106.

Mašanović, B. (2018). Comparative study of anthropometric measurement and body composition between junior basketball and volleyball players from the Serbian national league. Sport Mont, 16(3), 19-24.

Mašanović, B. (2018). Attitudes of consumers from Autonomous province of Vojvodina toward advertising through sport in relation with the frequencu of watching sports events. Sport Mont, 16(3), 91-96.

Milašinović, R., & Popović, S. (2016). Historical development of skiing with special retrospection in Montenegro. Sport Mont, 14(1), 39-41.

Milašinović, R., Popović, S., Matić, R., Gardašević, J., & Bjelica, D. (2016). Body height and its estimation utilizing arm spam measurements in male adolescents from southern region in Montenegro. Sport Mont, 14(2), 21-23.

Milašinović, R., Popović, S., Jakšić, D., Vasiljević, I., & Bjelica, D. (2016). Body height and its estimation utilizing arm spam measurements in female adolescents from southern region in Montenegro. Sport Mont, 14(23), 15-18.

Milašinović, R., & Bjelica, D. (2017). Historical development of skiing: Case study in Durmitor area. Sport Mont, 15(1), 39-41.

Muratović, A., & Bojanić, D. (2016). Ranging the results achieved in biomotoric and specific-motoric skills in handball players and non-athletes cadet. Sport Mont, 14(1), 29-31.

Muratović, A., Vasiljević, I., Bojanić, D., & Ljubojević, M. (2016). Frequencu of foot deformity among students of Faculty for sport and physical education. Sport Mont, 14(3), 19-20.

Popović, S., & Milašinović, R. (2016). Model of advertising communication in sport. Sport Mont, 14(1), 31-38.

Popović, S., Gardašević, J., Mašanović, B., Arifi, F., & Bjelica, D. (2017). Standing height and its estimation utilizing foot measurements in adolescents from western region in Kosovo. Sport Mont, 15(3), 3-7.

Popović, S. (2018). Research and writing development in the area of sport science publishing in Montenegro. Sport Mont, 16(3), 31-36.

Vasiljević, I., Bjelica, D., Kezunović, M., & Gardašević, J. (2016). Knowledge of physicial education students on sports nutrition. Sport Mont, 14(1), 17-19.

Vasiljević, I., Gardašević, J., Kezunović, M., & Bojanić, D. (2017). Waist circumference as an indicator abdominal obesity in middle age. Sport Mont, 15(1), 21-22.