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Marina Vukotic1, , ,

1University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro

Analysis of the Content of Published Articles in the Journal Sport Mont in 2006

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2018, 2(1), 31-39 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.180106


The Montenegrin Sports Academy organized in 2006, the Second Congress and the Third Scientific Conference, with the international editorial and reputation, published by Sport Mont, 4(10-11). In this issue of the magazine there are 103 scientific papers from different multidisciplinary and monodisciplinary fields. The papers are classified by sports disciplines: training and testing, of multidisciplinary impact, kinematics, physiology of sport, sports history, sports sciences, sports psychology, sports medicine, sports management, sports equipment and technology, physical education and methodology, sports recreation, corrective gymnastics and anthropometry. In this paper we classified works by field, method of addressing analysis and found that the most numerous works from training and testing and multidisciplinary influence. We found that the published works had different themes of different multidisciplinary and monodisciplinary areas. Cited works can also be useful for further theoretical research, as they indicate the summing up of experiences and pointing to professional-scientific knowledge of practice and theory, and thus a wider view of the vital issues of sport, and of its overall achievements within the most current scientific fields.


Analysis, Sport Mont, Montenegrin Sports Academy, Montenegro

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Bijelić, B. (2006). Walking in function of main fitness activities. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 616- 621.

Bjeković, G. (2006). Play as a method of corrective exercise training in pre-school children. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 460-464.

Bjeković, G., & Đorđe, A. (2006). Establishment of the state of spine deformity in students of the secondary school „Ivan-Goran Kovačić“, Herceg Novi. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 80- 88.

Bjelica, D. (2006). Methods of learning in process of sports training. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 198- 202.

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Bronja, A., & Koničanin, A. (2006). The football, basketball and volleyball player antrohometric characteristics. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 334-344.

Ćirković, Z., & Kasum, G. (2006). Prophylaxical effect at the intensive training process af combat sports. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 276-284.

Čokorilo, R., & Tišma, M. (2006). Self-concept as an important factor of sports success.Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 315-320.

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Dopsaj, M., & Vučković, G. (2006). Indicators of maximal flexor force of left and right hand for the police selection criteria purposes. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 148-154.

Drid, P. (2006). Analysis of relations between judo techniques and specific motor abilities. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 114-119.

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Femić, M., & Stanišić, S. (2006). A sudden death of sportsmen. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 181-187.

Femić, M., & Stanišić, S. (2006). Opravdanost i neopravdanost oslobađanja učenika od nastave fizičkog vaspitanja iz zdravstvenih razloga u osnovnoj školi. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 634- 637.

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Idrizović, K. (2006). Impact of motoric and morphologic factors on realization of elements of acrobatics in the physical education instruction. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 64-70.

Idrizović, K. (2006). Predictive value of motoric manifestations regarding vaults as programme contents in the physical education instruction. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 293-299.

Janković, I., & Jonić, Z. (2006). Basic mobility of football players and non-sportsmen at preadolescent age. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 395-399.

Joksimović, V., & Joksimović, M. (2006). Functional rehabilitation and physical treatment of muscle tissue injuries of football players. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 583-589.

Jonić, Z., & Aleksandrović, M. (2006). Functional abilities of schoolboys – team sportsmen and nonsportsmen. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 354-359.

Jovović, V. (2006). The transformation of different types of energy one in an other and measuring of their effects during the pole vault. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 144-147.

Jovović, V. (2006). Uticaj kinematičkih strukturalnih elemenata pri formiranju oblika krivulje kod sprintera u trčanju na 100 m. Herceg Novi. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 89-94.

Kafedžić, E., & Kazazović, B. (2006). Kako doći do vrhunskog rezultata. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 510-515.

Kajmović, H., & Kapo, S. (2006). Razlike u performancama situacijske efikasnosti između juniora i juniorki sa svjetskog prvenstva u džudou - Tunis, 2000. godine. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 300-306.

Kapo, S., & Kajmović, H. (2006). Komparacija tehničko - taktičkih karate elemenata između učesnica međunarodnog karate turnira "Sarajevo open" 2004. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 126- 130.

Kasum, G. (2006). Dilemas and ideas connected with free-styling wrestling in Serbia and Montenegro. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 465-471.

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Koničanin, A., & Bronja, A. (2006). Influence of the height above sea level to the phisiological-functional capabilites of the students. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 367-374.

Kopas, J. (2006). Newly constructed tests for repetitive strength evaluation in judo. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 55-63.

Krivokapić, D. (2006). The effects of the swimming training model aimed at the improvement of functional abilities. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 173-180.

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Nikolić, B. (2006). The influence of the morphological characteristics on the precision of thrownig the ball into the basket among the players aged between tweelve and fourteen. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 428-432.

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Obadov, S. (2006). Effects of the specific motor exercises on the basic motor status of judokas. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 229-236.

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Plojović, S. (2006). Application of information technology in sport. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 482-487.

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Radović, M. (2006). Fundraising in sport. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 599-606.

Radović, M. (2006). Methods of organizing in endurance and prognosis of results in wrestling of greek-rome style. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 675-679.

Radović, M. (2006). Self-defense with the teaching methods of performance. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 381-386.

Radulović, B., & Goranović, K. (2006). Comparable analysis of training operators qualities among swimmers of Montenegro and Vojvodina. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 422-427.

Raičković, N. (2006). The importance of physical ability and technical preparation for the growth of young footballers. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 644-650.

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Šabotić, B. (2006). Natural ways of moving as basis of motorical development with kindergarten children. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 387-394.

Šabotić, B. (2006). Predictorical values of basic – motorical abilities and relations of motorical informations in volleyball at 15 year old pupils. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 375-380.

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Stefanović, R. (2006). The influence of cross-training due to spa treatment in curring functional neurotic disorders. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 36-41.

Stefanović, R. (2006). The influence of experimental work on improving the speed endurance at students’ of faculty of physical culture in Leposavić. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 136-143.

Stojiljković, S., & Branković, N. (2006). Dynamic strength development using “station-based” workouts. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 349-353.

Tomislav, O., & Madić, D. (2006). The influence of nutritients in swimmers eating. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 531-537.

Vučković, G. (2006). Influence of basic in shooting training realized according to international standards on the efficiency of a gun used by policewomen. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 327-333.

Vučković, I. (2006). Tip organizacije grupe u košarkaškim timovima 1. lige Srbije i Crne Gore. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 551-555.

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Zrnzević, N. (2006). The differences in morphological characteristics and motor abilities male and female students of the second grade of primary school. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 488-494.

Zrnzević, N. (2006). The realization of the programme contents for physical education in the second grade of primary school based on minimal requirements. Sport Mont, IV(10-11), 495-501.