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Boris Banjevic1

1Army of Montenegro, Airforce Military of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Morphological and Functional Characteristics of Army Recruits and Professional Soldiers of Montenegro Armed Forces

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2020, 4(1), 25-32 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.200104


The results of kineziology research in the armed forces of the region and world indicate the existence of differences in morphological and functional space of soldiers compared to ethnographical area, age, military speciality and formation arrangement. The aim of this research is to determine the status and possible differences in morphological and functional characteristics with recruits and professional soldiers of Montenegro Armed Forces. The sample of examinees was made of 50 soldiers being 18-25 years old, divided into two groups: 25 recruits from the Training Center in Danilovgrad and 25 professional soldiers of the Navy and Infantry Battalion of Montenegro Armed Forces. The sample of measures was made of the following morphological and functional indicators: body height, body mass, waist size, hips size, chest size, thigh size, forearm size, abdomen skinfold, chest skinfold, thigh skinfold, body mass index, body fluid percentage, waist-hip ratio, forced volume vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second, the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second and forced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow. The central and dispersion parameters of variables have been calculated, and for determining the differences in morphological and functional characteristics, the t-test has been applied for small independent samples. Statistically significant differences between the sub-samples of examinees have been determined in the morphological variables of waist size and forearm size, therefore it has been concluded that there’s a high coincidence with the majority of morphological and functional parameters. The stated results confirm the need to conduct the research in Montenegro Armed Forces, in order to examine the status and possible existence of morphological and functional differences of soldiers with reference to their age, branch of armed services and military specialty.


Morphological Characteristics, Functional Characteristics, Differences, Recruits, Soldiers

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