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Ivan Vukovic1, , ,

1University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro

The Analysis of Published Papers written by the Lecturer of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Sport Mont from 2010 to 2012

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2020, 4(2), 41-45 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.200408


Sport Mont is an electronic and printed scientific journal that has been created in 2003 and it has been developed by Montenegrin Sport Academy. Main purpose of this journal is to represent people, the new scientific researches from sport science and medicine. This journal has been publishing 3 times per year, in February, June and October from the 2003 until nowadays. It has been published more than 1400 papers. Right now, Sport Mont is indexed in 23 scientific bases, in which the most popular are Scopus and Web of Science. In this paper, it has been made a systematic review of papers published by the lectures from Faculty from sport and physical education from Niksic in a period from 2010 to 2012. It has been founded 60 papers that were researching an amount of different areas of sport science. The results have showed that the lectures from the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education had the most interest in the area of sport training and from that area it has been founded 28 papers. When we talk about lectures that were publishing in that period, professor Dusko Bjelica has published 18 papers meaning that he has been the one who has published the most. At the end we can tell that the lectures from this faculty became very beneficent for this journal, which it shows their professionality and effort. Also, by putting this journal on the top of the area of sport science and promoting science in general in Montenegro.


Sport Mont, Analysis, Science, Montenegro

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Aćimović, D., Hadžić, R. i Spirtović, O. (2011). Situacioni trening u fudbalu. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 65-67.

Bjelica, D. (2010). Rationalization of bipedal movement – speed – Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 16-23.

Bjelica, D. (2010). Research methods in sport training. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 154-163.

Bjelica, D., & Petkovic, J. (2010). Motoric status relations in montenegrin yuoth population of various sport orientations. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 442-448.

Bjelica, D. (2010). Obilježja sportske propagande. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 184-188.

Bjelica, D., & Krivokapic, D. (2011). Supplement to humanistic concept of youths’ sports. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 106-111.

Bjelica, D., & Krivokapic, D. (2011). Effective knowledge tests and feedback in function of improving the students’ study. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 167-173.

Bjelica, D., & Krivokapic, D. (2012). Attitudes of montenegrin professors of physical education in the field of personal specialization, work satisfaction and sports development in montenegro. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 11-21.

Bjelica, D., & Petkovic, J. (2012). Correlation of the morphological characteristics and sports achievements in karate. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 616-620.

Cvejanov Kezunovic, L., Kezunovic, M., Popovic, S., & Bjelica, D. (2011). Ankle sprain: who is most frequently injured and how long athletes are absent from the field?. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 396-404.

Gardasevic, J., & Goranovic, K. (2011). The effects of programmed work in preparation period of kadet football players on their explosive force transformation. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 55-62.

Gardasevic, J., & Bjelica, D. (2012). Validity of the situational-motor tests with football players at the age of 15. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 488-492.

Goranović, K. i Bjelica, D. (2010). Antičke olimpijske igre i moderni olimpizam. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 403-407.

Goranović, K. i Gardašević, J. (2010). Dijagnostika nivoa treniranosti posebnih populacija na bazi parametara frekvence srca i brzine trčanja na anaerobnom pragu. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 116-121.

Gojkovic, G. (2010). Differences of motorical abilities in relation to sex of pupils. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 423-428.

Goranović, K. (2011). Dijagnostika anaerobnog praga u funkciji ocjene aerobne izdržljivosti posebnih populacija. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 28-35.

Goranovic, K., & Gardasevic, J. (2011). Resulting efficacy of mid-track race in modern olympism. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 126-131.

Goranovic, K. (2011). Diagnostics of motor ability as a base of correction planning of transformation processes in special populations. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 182-188.

Hadzic, R., Vujovic, D., & Muratovic, A. (2012). Influence of motor capabilities on efficacy in performing wedge turning in alpine skiing. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 477-481.

Idrizovic, K. (2010). New standards in modelling top sprinters. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 82-91.

Idrizović, K. (2011). Struktura parcijalizovanog motoričkog prostora učenika adolescentne dobi. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 457-465.

Jovovic, V. (2010). Frequency and structure of sagittal disorders of the spinal column with adolescent students. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 98-103.

Joksimovic, V., Joksimovic, M., & Vujovic, D. (2010). Coliosis like the deformity of the spinal cord and the ability for sports activies. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 408-413.

Joksimovic, M., Joksimovic, V., & Vujovic, D. (2010). Physical activity in medical vocational and training school students and their attitude on its significance. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 437-441.

Joksimovic, A., Acimovic, D., & Hadzic, R. (2011). The methodology of shaping situational training in the case of alpine skiing. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 219-223.

Jovanovic, M. (2012). Qualification structure of human resources in sport in municipalities bijelo polje, mojkovac i kolasin. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 207-212.

Krivokapic, D. (2010). The influence of autonomous diving on senses and mental processes. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 104-110.

Krivokapic, D., & Krivokapic, O. (2010). Improvement of health and life quality in population through social support for development of phycical culture. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 418-422.

Krivokapic, O., & Krivokapic, D. (2010). Development and shaping of students’ intrinsic motivation in physical education. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 58-62.

Kezunović, M. (2010). Povratak sportskim aktivnostima poslije rupture Ahilove tetive. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 75-81.

Kezunović, M. i Laković, O. (2010). Kompresija supraskapularnog nerva kod odbojkaša. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 189-194.

Madic, D., Okicic, T., Rasovic, D., & Okicic, S. (2011). Streinght in swimming. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 359-365.

Milosevic, D. (2010). The model of the estimation of the erudition-social characteristics of the physical education. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 41-46.

Milosevic, D., & Bulatovic, D. (2010). Target planning of the physical educationt. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 207-213.

Molnar, S., Popovic, S., & Doder, D. (2010). Comparation some motoric abilities two generation of football school players. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 64-68.

Molnar, S., Smajic, M., Popovic, S., & Tomic, B. (2010). Analysis of differences between boys attending a football school and thos who do not do sport with specific-motor abilities. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 204-209.

Mitrevski, V., Georgiev, G., & Hadzic, R. (2011). Motor abilities of female students with regard to their work conditions. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 3-8.

Mitrevski, V., Georgiev, G., & Hadzic, R. (2011). Influence of motor manifestations from the eurofit program for children on motor skills and habits at high school female students. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 156-159.

Milosevic, Z., Maksimovic, N., Matic, R., & Bjelica, D. (2011). Forgotten mission of physical education. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 591-597.

Muratovic, A., & Georgiev, G. (2012). Basic motor abilities and situational motor efficiency with young handball players from Montenegro - quantitative approach. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 493-498.

Nikolić, V. P. i Bjelica, D. (2011). Dalji pravci razvoja crnogorske sportske akademije. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 17-27.

Opavsky, P. i Bjelica, D. (2011). Biodinamička metodologija u sportu. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 15-27.

Opavsky, P. (2012). “Flagellum” efekat u sportu. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 3-10.

Popovic, S., Molnar, S., & Smajic, M. (2010). Influence of summer break at some motoric abilities on football players aged 10 years old. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 58-63.

Popovic, S., Smajic, M., Joksimovic, A., & Masanovic, B. (2010). The differences in body composition between football players of different rank competitions. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 362-367.

Popovic, S. (2011). The attitudes toward sport advertising among the question how often consumers purchase sporting goods. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 140-147.

Popovic, S., Molnar, S., & Radovanovic, D. (2011). The attitudes toward sport advertising among the question how often consumers participate in sports activities. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 148-155.

Popovic, S. (2012). Usage of athletes as endorsers. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 110-115.

Petkovic, J., & Krivokapic, D. (2012). The effects of natural stimulants on the human organism. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 621-627.

Rasovic, D. (2010). Montenegro and olympism. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 396-402.

Radulovic, B., & Gojkovic, G. (2010). The influence of strength training of growth and development of subadolescent and early adolescent children. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 109-115.

Radovanovic, D., & Popovic, S. (2011). Elementary techniques of basic hand strokes in modern karate. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 46-52.

Rasovic, D., Madic, D., Okicic, T., Okicic, S., & Petrovic, V. (2011). Development of streinght in annual cycle training. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 353-358.

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Stijepović, V., Ćeranić, S., & Kezunović, M. (2010). Kampanja o antidopingu u crnogorskom sportu i njeni rezultati. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 250-254.

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Vujovic, D., & Petkovic, J. (2010). The influence of the sports training on the development of some specific physical abilities of the female handball players. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 356-361.

Vukotic, M. (2011). Differences of anthropometric characteristic and motor abilities of different sport orientation. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 112-118.

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Vujovic, D. (2012). The influence of rhytmic gymnastics teaching contents upon development of some motor skills among the schoolgiris of the fifth grade of primary school. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 482-487.