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Marko Perovic1,2, , ,

1Radio Television of Montenegro, Radio of Montenegro, Podgorica
2Kickboxing Federation of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Sport During and After the Coronavirus

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2020, 4(3), 19-21 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.200704


The purpose of this essay is to point out positive and negative sides of sports and society in the period of corona virus as well as in general. I wanted to introduce this specific situation that happened in the world through my personal example as well as through the example of other athletes. I have accentuated the importance of physical and mental health. Also, I have described the most interesting examples of human efforts. I have also analyzed the influence of economic crisis on sports in Montenegro as well as in the whole world. My goal was to motivate other readers to understand the importance of healthy lifestyles and send a strong and optimistic message. Through methods of analysis, synthesis, concretization and generalization I have come to various conclusions which I have presented in my essay. I hope that this text will encourage other people to write and explore, so we can give our contribution to the development of sports together.


Physical Activity, Sport, Isolation

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