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Pavle Malovic1

1University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro

Content analysis of Published Articles in Sport Mont in the Period from 2003 - 2020 in the Field of Combat Sports

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2020, 4(3), 33-39 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.200708


When it comes to sports science, it is inevitable to mention the Sport Mont Journal, which has an 18 years long respectable tradition, and which is progressing every year. Sport Mont was founded in 2003 as the official journal of the Montenegrin Sports Academy (MSA), by all merit to the great vision of a full professor at the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Dusko Bjelica. The Sport Mont, which is published in three editions annually (February, June, and October), records over 1.400 papers from almost all fields of sports science and sports medicine, signed by renowned scientists from all around the world. During a period of 18 years in Sport Mont is published 120 scientific papers on the topic of combat sports. It can be said that the biggest number of published articles about the mentioned topic was published in 2005 (17), and the activity of scientists from the field of combat sports was quite low in the last couple of years of existence Sport Mont. In 2020 is published 5 scientific papers in a topic of combat sports and it is the bigger number in comparison to the last couple of years, so it seems that authors from the field of combat sports are again active as in the period when Sport Mont established and there is hope that they will give a contribution to developing Sport Mont journal in the next period. This research can be useful for further theoretical research, as well as for theoreticians.


Combat Sports, Montenegrin Sports Academy, Sport Mont, Sport Science

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Аsani, K. (2013). Multivariant and univariant intergroup differences in the anthropometric understudied area between respondents juniors and seniors members of the Macedonian national karate team. Sport Mont, 11 (37-38-39), 405-411.

Аsani, K., & Zivkovic, V. (2013). Multivariant and univariant intergroup differences in the investigated specific motor space between respondents juniors and seniors members of the Macedonian national karate team. Sport Mont, 11(37-38-39), 412-419.

Bjelica, D. (2004). Sport u XXI vijeku. Sport Mont, 2 (2-3), 24 -29.

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Cirkovic, Z., & Kasum, G. (2006). Prophylaxical effect at the intensive training process at combat sports. Sport Mont, 4 (10-11), 276-284.

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Dacevic, R., & Jovovic, V. (2013). Comparative analysis of postural state non-athletest and judo atletes of young adolescents. Sport Mont, 11 (37-38-39), 151-156.

Djug, M., Mikic, B., & Mehinovic, J. (2009). Parcijalne kvantitativne promjene antropoloških karakteristika studentica pod uticajem fitness programa thai-bo. Sport Mont, 6 (18-19-20), 59-63.

Doder, D. (2006). Diagnostic karate tests. Sport Mont, 4(10-11), 101-107.

Doder, D., & Babiak, J. (2007). Connection of explosive power with top-class results in karate. Sport Mont, 5 (12-13-14), 784-791.

Drapsin, M., & Drid, P. (2007). The differences between morphological and motor indicators between groups of professional wrestlers and boxers. Sport Mont, 5 (12-13-14), 732-737.

Drid, P., & Obadov, S. (2004). Kako poboljšati pravila u džudou. Sport Mont, 2 (2-3), 267-274.

Drid, P. (2006). Analysis of relations between judo techniques and specific motor abilities. Sport Mont, 4 (10-11), 114-119.

Drid, P. (2006). Reliability of certain tests of specific motor abilities in judo. Sport Mont, 4 (10-11), 243-247.

Drid, P., & Vujkov, S. (2007). The differences in functional and motor indicators between the professional groups of karate and judo female competitors. Sport Mont, 5 (12-13-14), 47-52.

Gavrilovic, Z. (2004). Crnogorski sportski laureati. Sport Mont, 2 (4), 124-125.

Gavrilovic, D., Kasum, G., & Radovic, M. (2010). History of savate (French boxing) in Serbia from XIX century till the end of the First World War. Sport Mont, 7 (21-22), 199-206.

Goranovic, K., & Bjelica, D. (2010). Antičke olimpijske igre i moderni olimpizam. Sport Mont, 8 (23-24), 403-407.

Goletic, E., Redzic, H., Huremovic, D., & Mehinovic, J. (2011). Klasifikovanje studenata na osnovu kriterija motoričkih sposobnosti i tehničke izvedbe elemenata. Sport Mont, 9 (31-32-33), 434-447.

Ivezic, S. (2005). Plaketa Crnogorskoj sportskoj akademiji. Sport Mont, 3 (5), 5-6.

Ibri, L., & Shala, S. (2013). Discriminative analysis of morphologic and motoric parameter to judo and karate sportiest boys. Sport Mont, 11(37-38-39), 547-553.

Ibri, L., & Shala, S. (2013). Canonical correlation of morphologic characteristic and motoric abilities of young judo athletes. Sport Mont, 11 (37-38-39), 554-560.

Ilic, M., Mikic, B., Zeljkovic, M., & Huremovic, D. (2012). Influence of the morphological characteristics and motor abilities on performing situational movement structures in judo. Sport Mont, 10 (34-35-36), 573-578.

Ilic, J., & Visnjic, D. (2012). Specifics of motivation in combat sports. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 181-187.

Jankovic, L. (2005). Rehidracija u sportu. Sport Mont, 3(6-7), 244-252.

Jankovic, L. (2005). Redukcija tjelesne mase evaporacijom i njene posledice na brzinu izvodjenja u karate sportu. Sport Mont, 3 (8-9), 300-308.

Kahrovic, I., Radenkovic, O., & Mujanovic, R. (2011). Kinematička analiza aperkata boksera reprezentativnog nivoa. Sport Mont, 9 (31-32-33), 343-347.

Kahrovic, I., Muric, B., & Radenkovic, O. (2008). The application of a rope for condition preparation of boxers. Sport Mont, 6 (15-16-17), 730-733.

Kahrovic, I., Muric, B., & Radenkovic, O. (2009). Direct kicks in boxing. Sport Mont, 6 (18-19-20), 253-258.

Kahrovic, I., Muric, B., & Radenkovic, O. (2011). Razlike u morfološkim karakteristikama između boksera i nesportista. Sport Mont, 8 (25-26-27), 244-248.

Kajmovic, H., & Kapo, S. (2006). Razlike u performancama situacijske efikasnosti između juniora i juniorki sa Svjetskog prvenstva u džudou - Tunis, 2000. godine. Sport Mont, 4(10-11), 300-306.

Kasum, G., & Obradovic, Z. (2005). Kompatibilnost nekih motoričkih zadataka sa osnovnim rvačkim algoritmima. Sport Mont, 3 (8-9), 102-108.

Kapo, S., & Kajmovic, H. (2006). Komparacija tehničko - taktičkih karate elemenata između učesnica međunarodnog karate turnira «Sarajevo open” 2004. Sport Mont, 4 (10-11), 126-130.

Kasum, G. (2006). Dilemas and ideas connected with free-styling wrestling in Serbia and Montenegro. Sport Mont, 4 (10-11), 465-471.

Kasum, G., & Radovic, M. (2007). Starosna struktura vrhunskih rvačica. Sport Mont, 5 (12-13-14), 351-359.

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Klac, E. E. (2005). Prüfungsprogramm für behinderte anmerkungen zur karate-prüfungsordnung für behinderte. Sport Mont, 3(6-7), 56-61.

Klymovych, V., Oderov, A., Romanchuk, S., Pankevich, Y., Pylypchak, I., Roliuk, O., Lesko, O., Olena, B., Dobrovolskyi, V., & Vorontsov, O. (2020). Functional state of military personnel engaged in unarmed combat. Sport Mont, 18(1), 99-101. https://doi.org/10.26773/smj.200218

Kopas, J. (2004). Ju jutsu - sport budućnosti. Sport Mont, 2 (2-3), 412-420.

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Kostovski, Z. (2010). Transformed motoric characteristics after received programmed training process on superior karate athletes. Sport Mont, 7 (21-22), 54-57.

Kostovski, Z., Masic, Z., & Djukanovic, N. (2011). The influence of certain tests for evaluating the antropometric, motor and specific motor dimensions on the elements of the attack in sport karate fighting. Sport Mont, 9 (28-29-30), 189-194.

Kostovski, Z. S., & Mehinovic, J. (2010). Relations between šihon mae geri test for evaluating specific karate coordination and some of the basic motoric abilities. Sport Mont, 8 (23-24), 116-121.

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Krivokapic, P. (2005). Bibliografija radova dr Duška Bjelice u časopisu „Ring” (Zemun, Beograd): 1987-1990. god. Sport Mont, 3 (5), 105-117.

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Mikalacki, M., & Cokorilo, N. (2006). Uloga tai či čuana u očuvanju zdravlja, sprečavanja i lečenja bolesti. Sport Mont, 4 (10-11), 478-481.

Mikic, B., & Ahmeti, V. (2007). Influence of motoric abilities on effectively of specific motoric tests in wrestling. Sport Mont, 5 (12-13-14), 396-402.

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Mujanovic, R., Kahrovic, I., & Muric, B. (2011). Efekti modela kate (heian shodan) na transformacione procese motoričkih sposobnosti karatista. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 348-353.

Muric, B., & Kahrovic, I. (2008). Structure of boxers´ morphological characteristics. Sport Mont, 6(15-16-17), 946-951.

Muric, B., Kahrovic, I., & Radenkovic, O. (2011). Razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima boksera i nesportista. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 249-253.

Muric, B., Kahrovic, I., Milic, V., & Mujanovic, R. (2011). Struktura kognitivnih sposobnosti perspektivnih boksera. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 364-368.

Nesic, M. (2006). Motivational determinants of managers in karate. Sport Mont, 4(10-11), 523-530.

Nesic, M. (2010). Youth sport and parents. Sport Mont, 7 (21-22), 101-108.

Nesic, M., & Fratric, F. (2012). Managerial factors of motivation in karate sport. Sport Mont, 10 (34-35-36), 326-332.

Nesic, M., & Lolic, V. (2008). Coaches’ work experience as an indicator of management attitudes in karate. Sport Mont, 6 (15-16-17), 897-904.

Obadov, S. (2006). Effects of the specific motor exercises on the basic motor status of judokas. Sport Mont, 4 (10-11), 229-236.

Obadov, S. (2006). Structural analysis of conditional preparation in judo. Sport Mont, 4(10-11), 321-326.

Obadov, S. (2007). Training and advance tai otoshi technique. Sport Mont, 5(12-13-14), 755-761.

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Obadov, S., & Kopas, J. (2007). Reliability of certain tests for evaluation of judo techniques. Sport Mont, 5 (12-13-14), 744-749.

Obradovic, Z., & Kasum, G. (2005). Opservacija rvačkog sporta sa zdravstveno-vaspitnog aspekta. Sport Mont, 3 (6-7), 141-149.

Osipov, A. Y., Kovalev, V. N., Sadyrin, S. L., Nagovitsyn, R. S., Rubtsova, L. V., Druzhinina, O. Y., Zhavner, T. V., & Vapaeva, A. V. (2020). Objective and subjective assessments of the psychological gender of female athletes practicing martial arts. Sport Mont, 18 (1), 95-97. https://doi.org/10.26773/smj.200203

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Ostojic, S., & Ostojic, N. (2012). Insurance of athletes in Serbia. Sport Mont, 10 (34-35-36), 273-282.

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Radovic, M. (2004). Mogućnosti usavršavanja kretnih navika u etapi predtakmičarske pripreme rvača. Sport Mont, 2(2-3), 282-290.

Radovic, M. (2004). Nauka i karate sport. Sport Mont, 2 (4), 117-119.

Radovic, M. (2005). Sport u Crnoj Gori do 1914. godine. Sport Mont, 3 (5), 72-74.

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Radovic, M. (2006). Methods of organizing in endurance and prognosis of results in wrestling of Greek-Rome style. Sport Mont, 4 (10-11), 675-679.

Radovic, M. (2008). Weight regulation and rules of alimentation for high-level wrestlers. Sport Mont, 6 (15-16-17), 253-260.

Radovic, M., & Kasum, G. (2007). Bridge as a dominate technical structure in the wrestling of Greek and Roman and free style. Sport Mont, 5 (12-13-14), 243-248.

Radovic, M., & Kasum, G. (2008). Improvement and result tracking of the special resistence of the wrestlers as an altitude response. Sport Mont, 6 (15-16-17), 150-155.

Radovic, M., & Kasum, G. (2009). Some caracteristics wrestling development in the slaveholding system in Egypt and Greece. Sport Mont, 6 (18-19-20), 409-415.

Radovanovic, D., & Popovic, S. (2011). Elementary techniques of basic hand strokes in modern karate. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 46-52.

Rajkovic, Z., & Obradovic, Z. (2007). Morphofunctional status of elite Serbian taekwon-do athletes. Sport Mont, 5 (12-13-14), 750-754.

Rasovic, D. (2008). New Olympic Games and their meanings for sport in Montenegro. Sport Mont, 6 (15-16-17), 927-932.

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Rexhepi, F., & Hraski, Z. (2011). Basic biomechanical characteristics of the second phase (tsukuri) of judo throwing technique osoto gari. Sport Mont, 9 (31-32-33), 249-255.

Roglic, G., Fratric, F., Nesic, M., Bjelica, D., & Madic, D. (2012). Thermovision application in kendo training. Sport Mont, 10 (34-35-36), 637-643.

Sahit, P., Lulzim, I., Sylejman, S., & Shkelzen, S. (2011). Razlike u antropometriskim karakteristikama i motoričkim sposobnostime između dječaka hrvača, dječaka fudbalera i dječaka ne sportaša. Sport Mont, 9 (31-32-33), 269-276.

Savic, M., & Savic, S. (2005). Neki aspekti bokserskog treninga. Sport Mont, 3(5), 60-66.

Savic, S., & Savic, M. (2005). Predlog: kodeksa srpsko-crnogorskog bokserskog sporta. Sport Mont, 3(8-9), 278-281.

Savic, M., Savic, S., & Radovic, M. (2004). Bokserski kamp u Somboru. Sport Mont, 2 (2-3), 232-236.

Scepanovic, I. (2013). Predictive value of motor abilities in relation to karate technique. Sport Mont, 11 (37-38-39), 96-100.

Scepanovic, I., & Vlahovic, A. (2013). The influence of motor abilities on kicking karate technique. Sport Mont, 11(37-38-39), 101-105.

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Siljak, V., Mijatovic, S., & Cilerdzic, V. (2008). Contemporary aspects of the ancient games at Nemea. Sport Mont, 6 (15-16-17), 612-616.

Slacanac, K., Baic, M., & Starcevic, N. (2017). Competition efficiency analysis of Croatian junior wrestlers in European Championship. Sport Mont, 15 (2), 43-47.

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Tahiraj, E., Shatri, F., & Fazlija, A. (2011). Material funds allocation for sports in Kosovo. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 128-131.

Tatar, N., & Karadzic, P. (2012). Level of motor abilities of children untrained and children that were in the training process a variety of sports orientation (karate and volleyball). Sport Mont, 10 (34-35-36), 149-156.

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