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Zainal Ilmi1, Dio Caisar Darma2, Musdalifah Azis1

1Mulawarman University, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management, Samarinda, Indonesia
2Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Samarinda, Department of Management, Samarinda, Indonesia

Independence in Learning, Education Management, and Industry 4.0: Habitat Indonesia during COVID-19

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2020, 4(4), 63-66 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.201010


COVID-19 is the biggest pandemic of the 20th century and has hurt humans. Apart from death, this virus also has an impact on the social, economic, and educational fields. Like it or not, COVID-19 causes most schools and campuses to change their learning patterns. This paper tries to discuss freedom of learning, educational management, and challenges in industry 4.0 for Indonesia during this outbreak. With these 3 objectives, we use a literature review approach. The first conclusion is that the independence of learning in Indonesia has not been optimal so far, because in general many teachers and lecturers still use the old pattern (they are the centers of learning). The second affirmation is that education management in Indonesia is still traditionally based, meaning that the use of learning media (for example online) is not fully used. Third, in terms of Industry 4.0, education in schools and campuses, there is an obligation to take advantage of IoT with the aim that students and students can think critically, develop creativity, hone soft skills to communicate, and train to collaborate with various parties. The biggest job is under the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, to evaluate the education curriculum and make extra policies to accelerate the civilization of education during COVID-19.


Learning, Education, Teachers, Lecturers, Curriculum, COVID-19, Indonesia

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