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Aleksandar Stojmenovic1, Nikola Prvulovic1, Borko Katanic1, , ,

1University of Nis, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Nis, Serbia

Difference in Motor Skills between Active and Inactive Children

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2021, 5(1), 13-16 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.210103


This research aimed to determine the differences in motor skills between active and inactive children at the age of 9 using the tests of motor skills BOT-2 and the tests of gross motor skills TGMD-2. The total number of respondents 40 (20 active and 20 inactive) was made up of students from the 3rd grade of elementary school Mika Antić, Niš. The age of the respondents is 9±0.5 years for both sexes. Мotor status was assessed by standard tests of motor skills. Motor skills were assessed with a battery of BOT-2 tests was used to assess motor skills, subtests of speed and agility, and upper limb coordination. A battery test of gross motor development (TGMD-2), subtests for the assessment of locomotor skills, manipulative skills, and the overall result on the test of gross motor skills. А statistically significant difference was found in favor of active children versus inactive in two variables total score on gross motor test-TGM (p=0.036) and level of physical activity-TOTPA (p=0.00) while the other variables were not statistically significant (p>0.05). The general conclusion is that there are no differences in motor skills between active and inactive children.


Motor Skills, Motor Abilities, Gross Motor Skills, School children, TGMD2, BOT-2

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