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Maia Margvelashvili1, , ,

1Georgian State Teaching University of Physical Education and Sport, Department of Sport Management, Tbilisi, Georgia

Sport, Physical Exercise and Public Health in Georgia

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2021, 5(2), 27-29 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.210405


The present study is focused on the sport, physical exercise, and their role in the public health of Georgia. In this paper, the situation created by the COVID-19 global pandemic and its negative consequences on the physical or mental health of individuals was not considered, as at this stage, as the pandemic is not yet about to recede, it is too early to draw any far-reaching conclusions. Life after the pandemic will be quite different, but the significance of sports and physical activity for human health will probably become more in the spotlight. The paper discusses the low participation in physical activity of the population in Georgia as the risk factor for non-contagious diseases, as well as explains and analysis many reasons for such low engagement. Finally, the paper provides some recommendations, which in the author's opinion, will be beneficial for achieving growth of participation of the Georgian population in mass sport and physical activities.


Georgian sport, Physical Activity, Population, Impact on Health

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