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Gordana Radoicic1, Zoran Milosevic2, Boris Zarkovic2, Srdjan Redzepagic3, Blazo Jabucanin4

1Independent Researcher, Podgorica, Montenegro
2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia
3Université Côte d’Azur, Graduate School in Economics and Management, Groupe de Recherche en Droit Economie et Gestion, Nice, France
4Sports and recreational association Mogren, Budva, Montenegro

The Attitudes of Montenegrin Billiard Players towards Necessity to Establish Billiard Association

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2021, 5(3), 11-14 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.210702


In Montenegro billiards has it's long history, but according to fact that it is actively and en masse played throughout Montenegro, it certainly has it's present and future. Aim of this research is to examine attitudes of billiard players from Montenegro towards necessity to establish billiard association. The instrument of this research is a survey questionnaire. The respondents are active billiard players from Montenegro, 78 of them, average age of 33.35±7.94 years, who expressed their attitudes by choosing one of offered answers on asked question. This study results are analysed by Google Forms platform. Based on the results of this research, the conclusion is that Montenegrin billiard players consider that Montenegro needs to establish national billiard association.


Attitudes, Snooker, Game, Billiard Association, History of Billiards, Montenegro

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