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Boris Banjevic1, , ,

1Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, University of Montenegro, Niksic, Montenegro

Analysis of postural disorders with preschool and school children at the regional level

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2022, 6(2), 9-14 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.220402


The aim of this work is to collect relevant research from Montenegro and the region, and their adequate analysis and making meaningful conclusions. The selection of works was made on the basis of issues related to the postural status of preschool and school children and youth. The shortlist included 30 works, which dealt with diagnosing postural status, determining the effects of targeted corrective programs, examining differences in posture in children from urban and rural areas (as well as gender) and discovering the interdependence of deformities with certain segments of anthropological status (usually morphological characteristics).The following conclusions were made: according to almost all the results obtained, the postural status is significantly disturbed and endangered in a large number of children; observed changes in the segments of the locomotor system are mostly of the initial stage, ie. functional type; positive changes in posture have been observed under the influence of applied preventive and corrective exercise programs; equal vulnerability of postural status was found among children from urban and rural areas; the greatest differences in posture between the sexes occur during puberty, and they are detected predominantly on the spinal column; changes in the locomotor system are mostly related to the parameters of the longitudinal dimensionality of the skeleton. The obtained results indicate the need for the implementation of studies that would include the diagnosis and application of experimental exercise programs, in order to gain new experiences and knowledge when applying corrective gymnastics exercises in regular physical education classes.


Postural disorders, Preschool children, School children

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