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Đorđević Stefan1, Jorgić Bojan1, Đurović Marko1, Milenković Saša1, Okičić Tomislav1, Kitanović Ilija1

1Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Niš, Čarnojevića 10A, Niš, Serbia

Differences in Postural Status of the Spine of Swimmers of the Juvenile and Adolescent Age

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2022, 6(3), 3-9 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.220701


The aim of this study was to determine the condition and the difference in postural status of spine in a frontal and sagittal plane in swimmers of juvenile and adolescent age. The sample of respondents, in total, comprised of 53 swimmers of both sexes having at least three-year-long swimming experience, i.e. divided by age: 28 respondents, swimmers of juvenile age, and 25 respondents of adolescent age. `Spinal mouse` was used to assess a postural status of a spine. Based on the obtained results, it may be concluded that there is no statistically significant difference in the number of swimmers of different age groups with postural spinal disorder in the frontal (sig=1.000) and sagittal plane in the thoracic (sig=0.108) and lumbar part (sig=0.237). Statistically significant differences, within each age group of swimmers, have been noticed between the number of children with and without postural disorder: juvenile age frontal plane (sig=0.000), sagittal plane of the thoracic part (sig=0.705), lumbar part (sig=0.001), while with the same statistical analysis, in respondents of adolescent age, was determined: in frontal plane (sig=0.001) and in sagittal plane of the thoracic part (sig=0.028), lumbar part (sig=0.162). Based on the results, it may be concluded that the level of postural disorders of the spine in swimmers of juvenile and adolescent age is high, but that the level of the prevalence of postural disorders is statistically insignificant among the respondents of juvenile and adolescent age.


Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Lordosis, Flat back, Kypholordosis

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