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Ovbiebo Chinyere Mercy1, Lator Chukwuma Sunday1, Ogbouma Solomon1

1Department of Human Kinetics and Sports Science, Faculty of Education, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria

Implementation of Physical Education component within the basic science and technology curriculum and the time allocation in comparison to other basic science and technology subjects

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2022, 6(3), 15-21 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.220703


The objective is to assess the implementation of physical education (PE) component within the basic science technology subjects (BST) curriculum and the time allocation in comparison to other BST subjects. Descriptive survey research was adapted. The population was 109,778, comprising 109,383 students, 78 PE teachers and 317 head teachers of public Junior Secondary School (JSS), representing eighteen (18) Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Edo State. The sample size was 1,060 comprising 70 PE teachers, 90 Head teachers and 900 students; and they were selected using multi-stage sampling procedure. Two instruments were used to obtain data: “Implementation of PE component of BST curriculum questionnaire (IPECBSTCQ) and Time Allocation and General time table information for PE and BST subjects schedule (TAGTIPEBSTS). The cronbach alpha statistics was used to determine the reliability of the instrument, the r-value of 0.95 was obtained for the IPECBSTCQ. Main findings suggest an endorsement of policy statements related to PE within the BST by the PE and Head teachers. Also, PE is not accorded necessary attention compared to other subjects within the BST curriculum. It was concluded that PE and other Head teachers were conversant with National Policy on Education (NPE) stipulations as relates to PE within the BST curriculum; just as it was necessary for more time to be allotted to PE on the general time table in comparison to other BST subjects. It was chiefly recommended that supervisory officials of the Ministry of Education should ensure strict adherence to policy implementation related to PE within the BST.


Physical Education, Basic Science and Technology, Implementation, Curriculum, Time allocation

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