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Lilia Kebaili1,2, Oussama Kessouri3, Imane Talhi4, Abdelhak Chelighem5, , ,

1Laboratory of Biology and Animal Physiology, ENS Kouba, Algiers, Algeria
2Department of sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, Faculty of human and social sciences, university of Jijel, Jijel, Algeria
3Laboratory of studies and researches in sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, Institute of sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, University of Biskra, Algeria
4Educational issues laboratory, Institute of sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, university of Biskra, Biskra, Algeria
5Laboratory of social and human studies and analysis of physical and sports activities, Department of sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, Faculty of human and social sciences, University of Annaba, Annaba, Algeria

Exercise-Based Injury Prevention in Amateur Soccer: A Survey of Current Practices of 52 Algerian Teams

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2023, 7(2), 13-17 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.230403


This study aims to investigate the injury prevention exercises used by Algerian amateur soccer teams. The present study collected data from some Algerian amateur soccer teams (From the second to the seventh division), during the season 2021–2022 (n = 52). A four-section online survey was responded. Only 12% of the teams use FIFA 11+. They often use activation and coordination exercises (72.4%), dynamic stretching (69.8%), and agility exercises (68.6%), but they sometimes use sprint and high-speed running (52.4%), concentric (53%), isometric (59%), vertical plyometric (59.4%), horizontal plyometric (56.2%), core exercises (63.2%), static stretching (63.8%), multijoint exercises (63.2%), single leg strength and stability (61%), and they rarely use eccentric exercises (50.2%). Most coaches reported that they use these exercises during preparation and competition phases and they use them with all players. The investigation provided insight into the current use of injury prevention exercises by Algerian amateur teams, highlighting that several clubs used them, although there are differences between them in the extent of use. Moreover, this study provides information that may be useful for improving injury prevention strategies for amateur soccer teams.


non-contact injuries, injury prevention, preventive exercises, amateur soccer, teams’ practices, Algerian coaches

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