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Mariana Aleksieva Borukova1

1National Sports Academy“Vassil Levski“, Sofia, Bulgaria

The effect of mini-basketball on physical development and motor skills in 8 year old children

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2023, 7(4), 17-20 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.231004


A person’s physical development is a complex concept, which can be considered as a dynamically changing state from the moment of birth till the person’s death. The beginning of sports education in school is set for children through the game. The study aims to determine the dynamics of physical development and motor skills in 8-year-old students under the influence of mini-basketball activities within one school year. Ninety-five primary school students were studied. The applied methods are an overview study of specialized literature and sportspedagogical testing on 18 indicators, carrying information about physical development and some motor skills. The data were processed mathematically and statistically using a variation, comparative, and correlation analyses. The obtained results indicate that for 8-year-old children, organized mini-basketball activities raise the level of physical development and favor the development of motor skills.


physical development, mini-basketball, school

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