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Ibrahim Zakaria Kahlouche1, Oussama Kessouri2

1Laboratory of studies and researches in sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, Institute of sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, University of Biskra, Algeria
2Department of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Jijel

Coaches’ practices and perspectives on mental and physical preparation in amateur soccer in Skikda Province, Algeria: A pilot study

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2024, 8(1), 11-17 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.240102


The aim of this study was to identify the practices and perceptions of coaches on mental and physical preparation in Skikda province, Algeria. The sample consisted of 40 coaches of senior amateur soccer teams. A cross-sectional design was employed in this study. An electronic questionnaire was distributed online to collect data. It consisted of six sections, including informed consent from the coaches, demographics, mental preparation, physical preparation, the relationship between mental and physical preparation, and the challenges coaches face in preparing players mentally and physically. The results revealed that the majority of amateur soccer coaches believe that the goal of mental preparation for amateur soccer players is to enhance self-confidence, improve focus, develop decision-making skills, and alleviate pressure and anxiety before competition. They also see the goal of physical preparation as developing aerobic and anaerobic endurance, injury prevention, and enhancing strength and power. However, their practices in both mental and physical preparation were limited. Regarding the relationship between mental and physical preparation, coaches emphasized the importance of both aspects for amateur players. The absence of sports psychologists, a lack of modern technological resources for training, and limited sports facilities were identified as significant challenges hindering the process of mental and physical preparation. Based on these results, the researchers recommend addressing the identified challenges and reinforce the idea of paying more attention to amateur soccer in Algeria.


Mental preparation, physical preparation, amateur soccer, coaches’ practices and perspectives

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