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Iqbal Neamah1, Huda Shbeeb1, Ayad Al-Shammary2, Rand Al-Nidawi3

1College of Physical Education and Sports Science for Girls, University of Baghdad, Iraq
2College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Al-Muthanna University, Iraq
3College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq

Biomechanics of the Spine: A case study on the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2024, 8(3), Ahead of Print | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.240704


The spine’s lumbar and sacral regions are critical in load-bearing activities typical in daily life and sports, such as lifting and carrying heavy objects. These activities subject the spine to complex biomechanical forces—namely compression, tension, and shear—particularly impacting the lumbar vertebrae. Understanding these forces is crucial for developing preventive strategies against injuries and enhancing physical performance. This case study aims to elucidate the biomechanical dynamics at play in the lumbar and sacral vertebrae under various loading conditions to identify the causes of injuries and devise methods to minimize their occurrence through improved lifting techniques. The research employed advanced biomechanical analysis, including the use of the DWATBAK computer model, to measure spinal forces during physical activities. This case study focused on the impact of shear forces and the resultant stresses during weightlifting, integrating anthropometric measurements to determine safe and effective lifting postures Present findings highlight the necessity of maintaining the natural curvature of the lumbar spine to decrease injury risk. Carrying loads close to the body’s center was shown to significantly reduce spinal stress, particularly in the lower lumbar region. The case study delineated how specific postures could alleviate the risk of shearing forces that primarily affect the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. Adopting correct lifting postures is imperative to prevent spinal injuries in the lumbar and sacral areas. The study emphasizes incorporating biomechanical insights into training regimes to improve safety and efficacy in activities involving heavy lifting.


biomechanics, lumbar vertebrae, spine

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