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Mark Anthony B. Rosario1

1Institute of Education, Undergraduate Department, Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines

The challenges of selected provincial coaches in implementing circuit training: basis for program development. A pilot study

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2024, 8(3), Ahead of Print | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.240705


This research comprehensively explored the challenges of provincial coaches in implementing circuit training. Utilizing a qualitative research design, the study included nine provincial coaches in the Philippines contributing as the main source of data. Using an open-ended guiding questionnaire verified by experts in the field, the research subjects actively participated in focus groups and in-depth interviews. The study revealed five essential themes capturing the significant challenges of provincial coaches in implementing circuit training: Participation in Training, Knowledge about Circuit Training, lack of Equipment and Facilities, Coaches’ Expertise in Circuit Training, and Character of Athletes. As this research contributes critical insights into the different challenges associated with the implementation of circuit training, it provides different strategic programs and practices for development and enhancement of the inclusion of circuit training program in provincial areas.


Challenges of Provincial Coaches, Implementation, Expertise, Character, Participation, Qualitative Research

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