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Ivana Delibašić1, Slavka Durlević1, Ina Marković1, Marija Durlević2

1Faculty of sport and physical education, Novi Sad, Serbia
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica

Shoulder girdle injuries in volleyball players: structure, symptoms, cause and prevention. A narrative review

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2024, 8(4), 7 - 13 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.241002


Shoulder joint injuries are a major concern in volleyball, particularly among elite athletes who undergo rigorous training sessions and frequently participate in competitions. Given that volleyball is a polystructured sport that requires volleyball players to constantly change the amplitude of movement in the shoulder joint, frequent injuries such as subacromial impact syndrome, compression of the suprascapular nerve, bursitis and tendinitis of the rotator cuff occur. In order to prevent injuries, prevention programs are increasingly introduced today. Consequently, the aim of this research was to describe the structure and prevention of shoulder girdle injuries in volleyball players. Prevention programs developed by researchers have been shown to be effective in reducing the prevalence of shoulder injuries. Prevention programs include adequate warming up, strengthening and stretching of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as correct execution of technical elements. The development and implementation of individualized prevention and rehabilitation programs can significantly contribute to reducing the risk of injuries and prolonging the sports career of volleyball players.


shoulder joint injuries, prevention, rehabilitation, volleyball

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