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Katarina Dragutinovic1

1University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro

Content Analyses of Scientific Articles from All Issues Published in Sport Mont Journal in 2009

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2018, 2(2), 83-87 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.180415


Sport Mont Journal is a print and electronic scientific journal aims to present easy access to the scientific knowledge for sport-conscious individuals using contemporary methods. As one of the most prestigious scientific journals in Montenegro, is published three times a year. The aim of this paper was to classify the articles published in the 2009 journal, by scientific disciplines. On that occasion, we used the method of content analysis. During this period, 95 titles were published, which are classified according to the fields of sports science - biomechanics, physiology, sports medicine, anthropology, methodology, methodology, pedagogy, sociopsychology, anthropomotorics, anthropometry, research in sports and others. It has been found that the most numerous scientific research papers in sport and socio-psychology of sports (30), sport anthropology (25) and sports techniques (13). They show us that in this period a lot of attention was devoted to research in sport and sociopsychology of sports, where personalities, attitudes and characteristics were examined as important determinants of success in sports. In addition to these, there were still many scientific papers from other fields, which cover from social, humanistic and natural sciences. The integration of papers in all areas of sports science is not a simple task, even if we consider this one of the most prestigious journals in this region, the quality of the work itself is crucial.


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Andrijasevic, M. (2009). Self-assessment of students performance at the University of Zagreb. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 20-4.

Badza, V. (2009). The influence of dance experimental program on the musicality level of 1st year students of Faculty of sport and physical education. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 179-84.

Ban, D. (2009). Stress fractures in sport. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 339-45.

Banovic, M., & Banovic, M. (2009). Sports almanac of Montenegro. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 326-31.

Banovic, M., & Banovic, V. (2009). Affect of bar swimming marathon on the construction of an indoor swimming pool. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 332-8.

Bijelic, B. (2009). Effects of basketball games on common abilities of associates involved. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 383-7.

Bilic, Z., Bozic, L. i Bonacin, D. (2009). Finalni rezultat na turneji 4 skakaonice 2008/09 u odnosu na rezultate unutar pojedinih natjecanja. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 490-4.

Bijelic, B., & Nikolic, B. (2009). Premisses and opinions of students about basketball and other aktivities in their sport activities. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 388-92.

Bjekovic, G., & Djordje, A. (2009). Social-economic status, movement activities and students’ health related behaviour. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 159-71.

Bjelica, D. (2009). Difference in the shoot exactness per a football with varying intensity and in the state of exhaustion. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 70-7.

Bjelica, D. (2009). Planning and programming of sport training. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 292-8.

Bjelica, M. i Bjelica, B. (2009). Proces decentralizacije u upravljanju delatnostima i sportom. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 283-6.

Bjelica, M. i Bjelica, B. (2009). Finansiranje lokalne samouprave i sporta. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 287-91.

Bjelica, S., Bjelica, B. i Bjelica, M. (2009). Svetska ekonomija i osnovna područja globalizacije. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 462-7.

Bonacin, D. (2009). Podudarnost statusa učenika i studenata od 7 do 21 godine sa očekivanim konstruktivnim procesima. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 38-43.

Bonacin, D., Blazevic, S. i Lovric, F. (2009). Razlike socioloških indikatora učenica i učenika gimnazija. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 480-4.

Bubanj, S., Bubanj, R., Dragic, B., & Zivkovic, M. (2009). Analyses of basketball technique of ball throwing at aloft bounce by using kinematics method. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 583-94.

Bubanj, S., Stankovic, R., Bubanj, R., & Nejic, D. (2009). Comparative biomechanical analyses of squat jump without and with flexion in knee joint. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 595-600.

Burnik, S., & Jereb, B. (2009). Comparison of some anthropometric measures and motor abilities between alpine and sport climbers. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 44-50.

Coh, M., Zvan, M., & Sirok, B. (2009). The thermovision method in sport training. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 7-13.

Cokorilo, R. (2009). Recognition and dealing with athletes’ anxiety. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 51-8.

Danica, P. (2009). Analiza retoričkih funkcija tekstualnog metadiskursa sportskog jezika. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 401-8.

Dasic, Z. i Kezunovic, M. (2009). Povrede tibiofibularne sindernoze - uzrok nestabilnosti skočnog zgloba kod sportista. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 393-400.

Djug, M., Mikic, B. i Mehinovic, J. (2009). Parcijalne kvantitativne promjene antropoloških karakteristika studentica pod uticajem fitness programa thai-bo. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 59-63.

Doder, D. V., Babiak, J. J., & Doder, R. (2009). Status of development of dynamometer force in female athlets. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 561-8.

Drobac, M. M., & Radovic, M. (2009). Notion, elements and evaluation of human resources managment in sport (strategic approach). Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 299-304.

Dzibric, D., Pojskic, H., & Huremovic, T. (2009). The effects of physical education on motor abilities. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 144-8.

Dzibric, D., Pojskic, H., & Huremovic, T. (2009). Influence of regular primary school curriculum on qualitative changes of seventh grade pupils’ anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 153-8.

Fratric, F., & Starovlah, M. (2009). Differences in functional and motor abilities of young football players, basketball and volleyball players. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 495-503.

Hadzic, R. (2009). Appliance of competitors techniques in leading the skies in turning. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 210-5.

Hadzic, R. (2009). Teaching methodology of competitive giant slalom technique in alpine sking. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 511-6.

Herodek, K., Stankovic, R., Markovic, S., & Zivkovic, M. (2009). The effects of different warm-up protocols on repetitive strength of upper body. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 601-12.

Idrizovic, K. (2009). Prognostic quality of motor and morphological factors in relation to track and field events of sprint and jumping type. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 85-97.

Jereb, B., & Burnik, S. (2009). The impact of sport climbing on some morphological characteristics and motor abilities in climbers of 14 years of age. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 25-30.

Jovanova-Simeva, V. (2009). The role of the manager in the sport activities. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 128-31.

Jovovic, O. (2009). The position of sports-recreational tourism in Montenegro. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 442-9.

Jovovic, V., & Nikolic, B. (2009). Effect of two years body treatament on sports results in athletics of students of faculty of sports. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 195-201.

Jugoslav, V., Doder, D., Babiak, J., & Doder, R. (2009). Social experiential features of children swimmers and their success in sport. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 557-60.

Kahrovic, I., Muric, B., & Radenkovic, O. (2009). Direct kicks in boxing. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 253-8.

Kapidzic, A. i Mujanovic, E. (2009). Prediktivne vrijednosti konativnih karakteristika na rezultate situacionih testova u nogometu. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 132-7.

Kastratovic, E. i Marinkovic, V. (2009). Uloga menadzmenta ljudskih resursa u poslovanju sportskih organizacija. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 506-10.

Kezunovic, M. i Dasic, Z. (2009). Prevencija skakačkog koljena kod odbojkaša. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 376-82.

Kljajevic, V. (2009). Vaspitanje i ocjenjivanje pravilnog držanja tijela. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 138-43.

Koprivica, M., Koprivica, V., & Zivkucin, S. (2009). Marketing in hotel corporation and sport management. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 351-6.

Koprivica, M., Koprivica, V., & Zivkucin, S. (2009). Promotion as an element of marketing in sporting event. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 357-62.

Krivokapic, D. (2009). Application of the battery of tests in evaluation of psychological, sociological and anthropomotor status of the water polo players. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 421-7.

Krivokapic, D., & Krivokapic, O. (2009). Obesity in the family as the etiological factor in occurrence of high body mass among children and the associjated psychosocial implications. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 428-33.

Krivokapic, D., & Nikolic, B. (2009). Plausibility of basketball players’ success prediction by the ap- plication of the psychological instrument (msp) for assessing motivation for doing sports. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 436-41.

Lepes, J. (2009). Povezanost gojaznosti sa načinom života. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 259-65.

Lilic, L., & Stankovic, V. (2009). Characteristics of the repetitive muscle potential of young skiers. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 468-73.

Macvanin, D. (2009). «stres menadžment» - interes svake organizacije. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 517-21.

Manojlovic, N., Nemec, P. i Drobnjak, D. (2009). Analiza specifičnih odbojkaških akcija i klasifikacija njihovih tehničko - taktičkih varijanti. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 545-50.

Markovic, Z., Visnjic, D., & Martinovic, D. (2009). The influence of two models of physical education planning on sport-technical knowledge of secondary school female students. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 270-5.

Martinovic, D., Brankovic, D., & Visnjic, D. (2009). Appendix to the measuring of endurance of cadets in handball. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 31-7.

Mavric, F., & Milic, V. (2009). Development of leg strength at young players of handball club novi pazar. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 266-9.

Masanovic, B. (2009). Differences of anthropometrical status on top level handball players and non sportsmen. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 569-75.

Masanovic, B., & Vukasevic, V. (2009). Differences of anthropometrical status on basketball and handball players in junior stature. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 576-82.

Mihic, S. (2009). The consequences of globalization upon safe tourism. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 184-9.

Mihic, S., & Raletic, S. (2009). Marketing trends and strategic management in destination development. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 190-4.

Milic, V., & Mavric, F. (2009). Changes in development of ehplosive power of legs under the influence of plyometric training method by volleyball players. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 233-8.

Mijatovic, S. (2009). Methodological problems of research in history of physical culture of xx century in the territory of former yugoslavia. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 118-22.

Mikic, B., Mackovic, S. i Djug, M. (2009). Primjena optojump sistema u sportskoj dijagnostici. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 346-50.

Mujcin, S. (2009). Basic principles of pupil’s development. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 504-5.

Muric, B., & Mavric, F. (2009). Influence of material conditions on realization of physical education teaching. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 229-32.

Nemec, P., Drobnjak, D. i Manojlovic, N. (2009). Određivanje tipologije igre vrhunskih reprezentacija putem odbojkaških kanona. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 551-6.

Nicin, D., Lolic, V., Lolic, V., & Srdic, V. (2009). Sport activities - a need, a wish or unavoidable fact today. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 64-9.

Nicin, D., & Trivic, N. (2009). Fitness users’ knowledge and attitude towards fitness. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 276-82.

Obradovic, J., Korovljev, D., & Pantovic, M. (2009). The influence of motor ability to the results of polygon versability of man 19 years old. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 172-5.

Obradovic, J., Pantovic, M., & Korovljev, D. (2009). The influence of motoric ability to the results of polygon ver-sability of woman 19 years old. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 176-84.

Opavsky, P. (2009). Sledeći korak u razvoju skoka uvis. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 14-20.

Oreb, G., Kostanic, D., & Oreb, I. (2009). The importance of certain morphological characteristics in wind – surfing training. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 98-103.

Pavlovic, R., & Rakovic, A. (2009). Anthropology dimensions as independent aerobic endurance. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 320-5.

Petkovic, J. (2009). The importance of motoric factors on realization of elements of acrobatics in relation to the respondents’ stature. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 245-52.

Pori, M., & Pori, P. (2009). Correlation between motor dimensions and neuroticism of boys 7 to 11 years of age. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 239-44.

Pori, M., Pori, P., Tusak, M., & Valant Velepec, A. (2009). Correlation between coordination and personality traits of soldiers in battle unit of slovenian armed forces. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 78-84.

Pori, P., Pori, M., Zanoskar, M., & Sibila, M. (2009). The analysis of some physiological variables in two different types of handball training. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 104-11.

Radovic, M. (2009). Recognition, management and keeping talents - factor of competition. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 305-9.

Radovic, M., & Kasum, G. (2009). Some caracteristics wrestling development in the slaveholding system in Egypt and Greece. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 409-15.

Raickovic, N. i Brankovic, N. (2009). Uticaj bazično-motoričkih sposobnosti na rezultate sposobnosti sprinterskog trčanja. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 316-9.

Randjelovic, N., & Zivanovic, N. (2009). Synonymy and antonymy in terminology of sport. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 370-5.

Rasovic, D. (2009). Začeci organizovanog sporta u Crnoj Gori. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 363-9.

Rubin, P. (2009). Ten days training efectivity on measured specific motor abilities of basketball players 15 years of age. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 223-8.

Rubin, P., & Perusko, P. (2009). Importance of strategic informations for planning in basketball. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 216-22.

Sandor, R. (2009). The investment model of the construction of public objects. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 450-1.

Samardzic, B. (2009). The factor structure of motoric abilities at pupils of first form in primary schools. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 522-30.

Sekeljic, G., & Stamatovic, M. (2009). Influence of different teaching technologies on being informed about mobile elements of basketball. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 531-8.

Sekeljic, G., & Stamatovic, M. (2009). Methodical implications in teaching the elements of basketball technique analysed by sexes. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 539-44.

Smajic, M., Molnar, S., & Popovic, S. (2009). Attitudes of football players of different ranks towards training exercises of recovery. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 149-52.

Stankovic, V. (2009). The influence of phisical educatin on devolpement of abilities of elderly schoolchildren. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 474-9.

Stojanovic, J., & Zrnzevic, N. (2009). Level foot – the most frequent deformity with pupils at early school age. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 455-61.

Trivun, M. (2009). The effects of the body mass indexes on the different disciplines in swimming. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 123-7.

Vukajlovic, V. (2009). Selection in sport - footbal. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 202-9.

Vukasovic, D., & Dzeko, S. (2009). Of food costs in tourist sport services goal linear function and minimization. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 310-5.

Vukasovic, D. (2009). Flexible budget of sport competitions. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 416-20.

Zivanovic, N., Randjelovic, N., & Pirsl, D. (2009). Synonymy in terminology of sport. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 112-7.