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Milos Kovacevic1, , ,

1University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro

Content Analyses of Scientific Articles from Issues Published in Sport Mont Journal in 2011

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2018, 2(2), 89-98 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.180416


Sport Mont is scientific journal which uses contemporary methods with aim to present scientific knowledge to sport-conscious individuals. It is easily accessible with its printed and electronic edition, published three times a year by the Montenegrin Sport Academy (MSA), in February, June and October. Sport Mont functions as an open discussion forum on significant issues of current interest in fields of Sports Science and Medicine. It publishes original scientific papers, review papers, editorials, short reports, peer review - fair review, as well as invited papers and award papers. Sport Mont Journal covers wide range and Sport Science and Medicine. It includes all clinical aspects of exercise, health, and sport; exercise physiology and biophysical investigation of sports performance; sport biomechanics; sports nutrition; rehabilitation, physiotherapy; sports psychology; sport pedagogy, sport history, sport philosophy, sport sociology, sport management; and all aspects of scientific support of the sports coaches from the natural, social and humanistic side. This paper work it is about A Content Analysis of Published Articles in Sport Mont Journal in 2011. This paper work presents the table with titles of the scientific fields according to which the works were sorted and their exact number. In the subtitle, the results are all assigned to all the works that have been processed and, in the end, the subheading entitled discussion gives a brief overview of the results obtained. The aim of this paper work is to analyze the papers published in Sport Mont Journal in 2011. In such a way that all works will be selected according to the respective scientific fields to which they belong. This will allow easier search of the given source for all authors who, for some reason, serve the works published during this time period in Sport Mont.


Analysis, Sport Mont Journal

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Acimovic, D., Joksimovic, A., Petkovic, E. i Spirtovic, O. (2011). Osnovni elementi alpskog skijanja kao sredstvo rekreacije. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 290-94.

Acimovic, D., Rasid, H. i Spirtovic, O. (2011). Situacioni trening u fudbalu. Sport Mont 8(25-26-27), 65-7.

Agacevic, Z., & Hodzic, M. (2011). Exercise during pregnancy. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 441-49.

Aleksic, D., Mekic, B., & Tosic, S. (2011). Examination of effects of development gymnastics teaching of physical education on static strength of 3th & 4th grade pupils of elementary schools. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 53-60.

Ascic, F., Ahmic, D., & Pireva, F. (2011). Uticaj sistema prediktorskih motoričkih varijabli na kriterijsku varijablu ocjena iz gimnastike. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 421-7.

Ascic, F., Djug, M., Katanic, N. i Dedic, V. (2011). Uticaj prediktorskog sistema morfoloških karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti na ocjenu iz predmeta tjelesni i zdravstveni odgoj. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 428-33.

Badza, V., & Sudar, D. (2011). Differences in the ways of receiving the ball between guards and forwards, participants on the olympic games „Beijing 2008“. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 224-9.

Badza, V., & Sudar, D. (2011). Influance of training process on development of exsplosive strenght of legs at pioneer basketball players. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 230-34.

Bakmaz, O. i Dzeko, S. (2011). Neke od postavki motivacija samoostvarivanja. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 405-08.

Banovic, M., & Banovic, L. (2011). The influence of scientific meeting in seasoning on idea of reconstruction included complex „sport–recreative center“ – bar. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 369-75.

Batez, M., Krsmanovic, B., Obradovic, J., & Dimitric, G. (2011). The level of pupils knowledge depending of teaching program. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 132-36.

Beganovic, E. (2011). The impact of technical ability to swimming performance of the mixed swimming at 100m in college fasto. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 201-10.

Berisha, A., Krasniqi, M., Sylejmani, B., & Gjuraj, L. (2011). Sport and law. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 473-77.

Bjekovic, G., Arnaut, D., & Gerdijan, N. (2011). Deformity of foot at children preschool strature in kindergarten „new cheerfulness“-east sarajevo. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 48-52.

Bjekovic, G., Tanovic, I., Jakovljevic, S., & Vuksanovic, G. (2011). Influence of extra classes of physical education on changes morphological status of pupils primary strature. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 36-40

Bjekovic, G., Tanovic, I., Konicanin, A., & Arnaut, D. (2011). Body composite analysis of physical structure, children with special needs using body composition analyzer „tanita“ tbf-300. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 53-8.

Bjelica, D., & Krivokapic, D. (2011). Effective knowledge tests and feedback in function of improving the students’ study. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 167-73.

Bjelica, D., & Krivokapic, D. (2011). Supplement to humanistic concept of youths’ sports. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 106-11.

Bon, M., & Topic, M. D. (2011). Handball as form of recreation. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 251-256.

Bon, M., Leskosek, B. i Topic, M. D. (2011). Muški rukomet na teritorii nekadašnje Jugoslavije - uspjesi in transferi igrača. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 111-18.

Bulatovic, N., & Kezunovic, M. (2011). Ethiology and mechanisms of injuries of knee anterior cruciate ligament in athletes. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 257-64.

Burnik, S., Jereb, B., & Coh, M. (2011). Mechanical characteristics of dynamic climbing ropes. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 9-14.

Cerkez, I., Kuna, D., & Kovacevic, A. (2011). Metric characteristics of the measuring instrument for assessing the flexibility of a shoulder girdle. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 84-9.

Coh, M., Zvan, M., & Kugovnik, O. (2011). Biomehanical model of the golf swing technique. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 3-8.

Cokorilo, N., Mikalacki, M., & Korovljev, D. (2011). Evaluation of physiological abilities of trainees of nordic walking with ukk2-test. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 19-23

Cokorilo, N., Mikalacki, M., & Korovljev, D. (2011). Program of exercising with weights and simulators by station method adapted to females. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 90-6.

Cokorilo, R., & Bjelica, S. (2011). Support of psycho-physical activity of a pre-school child. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 36-45.

Cokorilo, R., & Milana, G. (2011). The family as a factor in the integral development of preschool children. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 262-68.

Cokorilo, R., & Milosevic, Z. (2011). Psychological preparation of athletes as a humanizing factor of sports. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 211-18.

Cokorilo, R., Milana, G., & Kuljic, R. (2011).. Sport Mont Pedagogical skills of coaches as a factor of sports achievement, 9(31-32-33), 256-61.

Cooky, C., Begovic, M., Sabo, D., Oglesby, C. i Snyder, M. (2011). Žene i sport u Crnoj Gori. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 28-33.

Cvejanov Kezunovic, L., Kezunovic, M., Popovic, S., & Bjelica, D. (2011). Ankle sprain: who is most frequently injured and how long athletes are absent from the field?. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 396-404.

Cvetkovic, M., & Orlic, D. (2011). Relations between anthropometric characteristics and coordination in people with above-average motor abilities. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 233-38.

Djosic, N. (2011). Effect of jumps in profoundness on the footballer reflection. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 239-42.

Djukanovic, N., Draskovic, V., Visnjic, S., & Masic, Z. (2011). Anabolic androgenic steroids and adverse events of their application. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 34-40.

Djukanovic, N., Raznatovic, A., & Babic, Z. (2011). The role of doping in emergence of adverse cardiovascular events. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 59-67.

Djukic, M. (2011). Champion based on comparison of a handball player and a tennis player. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 564-71.

Djukic, M., Macvanin, N. i Miletic, L. (2011). Sistem kvalteta i rizik u mini rukometu. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 402-10.

Dzibric, D., Dedic, V., & Bojic, A. (2011). Differences in preferences towards sport activity in primary school students. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 31-5.

Dzibric, D., Kapidzic, A., Huremovic, T., & Pireva, F. (2011). Differences in preferences towards sport activity in primary school students. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 186-92.

Dzibric, D., Nozinovic, Z., Mujanovic, E., & Bilalic, J. (2011). Effects of physical and health education on the value of body mass index of pupils in a third grade of elementary school. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 180-85.

Dzibric, D., Pojskic, H., Dedic, V., & Ascic, F. (2011). Differences in motor and functional skills of girls in younger school age. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 193-99.

Elezi, A., Myrtaj, N., & Miftari, F. (2011). Discriminative analysis of tests for evaluating situationmotoric abilities between two groups of basketball players selected by the test of sociometry. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 331-36.

Elezi, A., Rushiti, H., & Myrtaj, N. (2011). The effect of the static relative strength on the maximum relative receiving of oxygen. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 317-22.

Gardasevic, J., & Goranovic, K. (2011). The effects of programmed work in preparation period of kadet football players on their explosive force transformation. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 55-62.

Georgiev, G. (2011). Changes of anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities with pupils within four years. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 132-37.

Georgiev, G., Mitrevski, V., & Kostovski, Z. (2011). Quantitative differences in assessment of high school female students. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 83-7.

Gligovic, D. (2011). Trategic management in the function of sport and recreations. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 316-20.

Goletic, E., Redzic, H., Huremovic, D. i Mehinovic, J. (2011). Klasifikovanje studenata na osnovu kriterija motoričkih sposobnosti i tehničke izvedbe elemenata. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 434-47.

Goranovic, K. (2011). Diagnostics of motor ability as a base of correction planning of transformation processes in special populations. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 182-8.

Goranovic, K. (2011). Dijagnostika anaerobnog praga u funkciji ocjene aerobne izdržljivosti posebnih populacija. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 28-35.

Goranovic, K., & Gardasevic, J. (2011). Resulting efficacy of mid-track race in modern olympism. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 126-31.

Gracanin, I., Palic, R., & Gracanin, J. (2011). Effects of intensive strength training on cardiovascular endurance (review article). Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 198-206.

Guzvica, M., & Vulin, L. (2011). Speed power after different training methods. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 148-57.

Halasi, S. (2011). The attitudes of pupils towards the values of football at the elementary school in mali iĐoŠ. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 219-23.

Herodek, . K., Zivkovic, . M., Petkovic, . E., Velickovic, . S., & Aleksic-Veljkovic, . A. (2011). The effects of different warm-up protocols on explosive leg strength in women sport gymnastics. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 69-74.

Ibrahimi, A., Jashari, V., Lacic, O. i Mehinovic, J. (2011). Efekti programskih operatora kao rezultat kvantitativnih promjena morfoloŠkih karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti studenata. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 200-8.

Idrizovic, K. (2011). Struktura parcijalizovanog motoričkog prostora učenika adolescentne dobi. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 457-65.

Ilic, J., & Visnjic, D. (2011). Water polo as familly tradition – paterns of sport’s practicing in families of serbian water polo representatives. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 244-50.

Ivanovic, M., Samardzic, B., & Ivanovic, U. (2011). Functional abilities as predictors of preadoslescent students’ athletic results outcome. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 3-13.

Jabucanin, B., & Djurovic, D. (2011). Evolution of skiing developmnent and skiing techniques. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 9-16.

Jashari, V., Ibrahimi, A., Ascic, F. i Topic, Z. (2011). Predikcija realizacije programskih zadataka iz sportskih igara na osnovu bazično-motoričkih sposobnosti učenika. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 532-40.

Joksimovic, A., Acimovic, D., & Hadzic, R. (2011). The methodology of shaping situational training in the case of alpine skiing. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 219-23.

Joksimovic, A., Acimovic, D., & Spirtovic, O. (2011). Carving skis – a benefit or a trend?. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 227-32.

Jonic, Z., Kocic, J., & Petrovic, M. (2011). Sport culture development in kindergardens in niŠ. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 41-7.

Kadusic, N., Hodzic, M., & Kukic, A. (2011). Psychological characteristics analysis: top players motivation applied by well-known coaches. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 147-58.

Kahrovic, I., Muric, B. i Radenkovic, O. (2011). Razlike u morfološkim karakteristikama između boksera i nesportista. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 244-8.

Kahrovic, I., Radenkovic, O. i Mujanovic, R. (2011). Kinematička analiza aperkata boksera reprezentativnog nivoa. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 343-7.

Kamberi, M., Ahmetovic, O., & Mikic, B. (2011). Factory analise of structural morphological characteristics children handball players strature from 12-14 years. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 68-73.

Karadzic, P., Doder, D. i Dokmanac, M. (2011). Razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima odbojkaša i netreniranih učenika. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 110-14.

Konicanin, A. (2011). Flat feet of dhe children in pre-school age. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 450-3.

Konicanin, A., Acimovic, D., & Spirtovic, O. (2011). Games and exercises for kifoze in preschool children. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 292-7.

Konicanin, A., Eminovic, F. i Bogdanovic, Z. (2011). Analiza svoda stopala učenika srednje škole prosečne starosti od 15 do 18 godina tehničke škole u Tutinu. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 547-51.

Korjenic, A., & Jelcic, M. (2011). Transformation effects of basico-motorical abilities under influence of experimental programme at the volleyball players strature 16 to 18 years. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 572-9.

Korovljev, D., Mikalacki, M., & Cokorilo, N. (2011). Age and body composition of physically active females. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 41-7.

Korovljev, D., Mikalacki, M., & Cokorilo, N. (2011). Systematization of the basic steps of the step-aerobics. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 97-103.

Kostovski, Z., Masic, Z., & Djukanovic, N. (2011). The influence of certain tests for evaluating the antropometric, motor and specific motor dimensions on the elements of the attack in sport karate fighting. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 189-94.

Krasniqi, M., Berisha, A., Nura, A., & Sylejmani, B. (2011). Law implementation in sport. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 509-15.

Kukic, A., Hodzic, M., Rasidagic, F., & Nozinovic, F. (2011). The effects of a basketball school program on some motor and situational-motor abilities of children aged 12-14 years. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 159-65.

Kuna, D., Cerkez, I., & Kovacevic, A. (2011). The difference between male and feemale sdutents in certain test which were measured by footscan system. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 137-42.

Lavrencak, K., Skof, B., & Milic, R. (2011). Stroke volume dynamics in males with different fitness level. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 224-30.

Lepes, J., & Sabolc, H. (2011). Equity in physical education. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 76-82.

Lolic, V., Bajric, O., Lolic, D., & Goranovic, S. (2011). Relationship of morphological quality and motor skills with the results situation-motor tests in football. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 552-9.

Lulzim, I., Sahit, P., Sylejman, S., & Shkelzen, S. (2011). Influence of anthropometric characteristic in manifestation explosiv force of footballers age 16. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 277-83.

Ljubojevic, M. (2011). Effects of the school subject – sport for athletes on motoric abilities of 8th grade boys. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 75-80.

Ljubojevic, M., Visnjic, D., & Ilic, J. (2011). Effects of the school subject – sport for athletes on motoric abilities of 8th grade girls. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 238-43.

Macvanin, D. i Macvanin, N. (2011). Menadžment i mini rukomet. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 395-401.

Macvanin, N., Soldat, P. i Macvanin, D. (2011). Šta je doping?. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 426-32.

Madic, D., Okicic, T., Rasovic, D., & Okicic, S. (2011). Streinght in swimming. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 359-65.

Maksimovic, N., Matic, R., & Milosevic, Z. (2011). Leadership characteristics of executives on different level of management in football. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 598-604.

Malcev, M. (2011). Some socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes toward sports among students of 12 years of age for addressing the extracurricular activities in the field of sport. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 478-83.

Marijanovic, R., Djukic, M. i Tomic, D. (2011). Primena strategijskog menadžmenta u univerzitetskom sportu republike Srbije. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 390-4.

Markovic, . K., & Herodek, . K. (2011). Measuring explosive leg strength using myotest. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 81-3.

Markovic, Z. (2011). Kifotic posture depending on owning a computer and semi affiliation. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 366-72.

Markovic, Z., Visnjic, D., Martinovic, D., & Bogdanovic, Z. (2011). The influence of material-technical conditions on speed measurement of female students in lower primary school grades. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 104-10.

Martinovic, D. (2011). Child’s play as a means of expression and a teaching method during classes of physical education. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 160-6.

Martinovic, D., & Markovic, I. J. (2011). Chess composition as a teaching tool: retractors and retrograde analysis. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 174-81.

Martinovic, D., Brankovic, D., & Ilic, J. (2011). Relations between general motor skills and "ball slalom" in female students of the iv grade of primary school. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 98-105.

Masic, Z., & Radotic, F. (2011). Analysis of synthetic footbal surfaces. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 373-7.

Medjedovic, E., & Medjedovic, A. (2011). Shaping exercises in a pe class structure (an empirical research. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 298-304.

Mekic, H., Muric, B., Milic, V. i Mavric, F. (2011). Razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima učenika sportista i učenika nesportista. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 586-90.

Mihic, S. (2011). Marketing strategija razvoja turizma u Srbiji. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 209-14.

Mikic, Br., & Mikic, Bi. (2011). Transformation of motorical abilities children strature from 10 to 12 years. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 83-9.

Milic, V. i Muric, B. (2011). Primena pliometrijskog metoda treninga u odbojci. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 220-6.

Milosevic, Z., Maksimovic, N., Matic, R., & Bjelica, D. (2011). Forgotten mission of physical education. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 591-7.

Milutinovic, M., & Radovic, M. (2011). Scientific technology parks. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 420-5.

Mitrevski, V. (2011). Differences on the motion knowledge level at the male students in some high schools in the republic of macedonia. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 215-8.

Mitrevski, V., Georgiev, G., & Hadzic, R. (2011). Influence of motor manifestations from the eurofit program for children on motor skills and habits at high school female students. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 156-9.

Mitrevski, V., Georgiev, G., & Hadzic, R. (2011). Motor abilities of female students with regard to their work conditions. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 3-8.

Mitrevski, V., Georgiev, G., Rashiti, N., & Nika, F. (2011). Quantitative differences within anthropometric space with female students at high school. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 286-91.

Mrkovic, R., Talovic, M., Mekic, M., Jeleskovic, E., & Alic, H. (2011). Relation between basic physical capabilities and the theoretic knowledge laws of the game with the success of refreeing of football referees. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 74-82.

Mujanovic, R., Kahrovic, I. i Muric, B. (2011). Efekti modela kate (hei an sho dan) na transformacione procese motoričkih sposobnosti karatista. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 348-53.

Muric, B., Kahrovic, I. i Radenkovic, O. (2011). Razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima boksera i nesportista. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 249-53.

Muric, B., Kahrovic, I., Milic, V. i Mujanovic, R. (2011). Struktura kognitivnih sposobnosti perspektivnih boksera. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 364-8.

Myrtaj, N., Rushiti, H., & Elezi, A. (2011). Connections between some motor abilities with the results of the school success. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 243-8.

Naser, N. R., Ajvazi, V., Nura, A., & Hajredini, H. (2011). Influence of body height, body weight and the age on the results achieved by man-marathoners in a marathon race. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 98-102.

Naser, R., Vlora, A., Nura, A., & Nika, F. (2011). Relations of the morphological characteristics and motor abilities with jump fowrard and triple jump of students at the faculty of science and sport. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 90-7.

Nedeljkov, N., Smajic, M., Molnar, S., & Tomic, B. (2011). Differences in explosive strength of legs of footballers of cadet categories. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 103-9.

Nika, F., Georgiev, G., Rashiti, N., & Hajredini, A. (2011). Correlation between anxiety and agression with specific basketball precision. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 88-97.

Nikolic, V. P. i Bjelica, D. (2011). Dalji pravci razvoja crnogorske sportske akademije. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 17-27.

Novakovic, S. (2011). Function of management in sport. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 336-41.

Novakovic, S. (2011). Menadžment rizika i bezbednosti sportskog događaja. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 354-63

Novakovic, S., & Vukasovic, D. (2011). Safety aspects of sports competition. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 376-80.

Novakovic, S., & Zivkucin, S. (2011). Marketing mix in sport. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 327-35.

Opavsky, P. i Bjelica, D. (2011). Biodinamička metodologija u sportu. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 15-27.

Orlic, D., & Cvetkovic, M. (2011). Motor abilities of younger-age school boys of different intellectual levels. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 302-10.

Pavlovic, R., & Brankovic, N. (2011). Assessment of physical skills to the student fitness index. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 176-84.

Pavlovic, R., Brankovic, N., & Rakovic, A. (2011). Structure of morphological space school children. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 266-73.

Petrova Dyakova, G. (2011). Research of the metabolic age and body mass index for female students. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 207-12.

Petrova Dyakova, G., & Bozhkova, A. (2011). Comparative analysis of the daily energy consumption of female students with a different body mass index. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 213-9.

Petrovic, M., Jonic, Z., & Kocic, J. (2011). Sport-recreative activities 5-6 years old children in kindergarden ’’Cvrčak’’ in Niš. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 192-7.

Petrusevska, L. (2011). Reliability and validity of some motoric tests at female students aged from 13 to 14 years. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 560-3.

Pirsl, D., Zivanovic, N. i Pavlovic, P. (2011). Kako se mogu podučavati strategije pamćenja teksta? Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 516-21.

Pirsl, D., Zivanovic, N. i Popovska, S. (2011). Naučno - stručni diskurs engleskog jezika u registru sporta. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 541-6.

Pirsl, D., Zivanovic, N. i Popovska, S. (2011). Pristup pisanju kao oblikovanju teksta. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 522-31.

Pirsl, D., Zivanovic, N. i Randjelovic, N. (2011). Pristup pisanju kao oblikovanju teksta. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 468-77.

Popovic, S. (2011). The attitudes toward sport advertising among the question how often consumers purchase sporting goods. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 140-7.

Popovic, S., Molnar, S., & Radovanovic, D. (2011). The attitudes toward sport advertising among the question how often consumers participate in sports activities. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 148-55.

Popovic-Ilic, T., Vitosevic, B., & Ilic, I. (2011). The differences in bmi values between top football and volleyball players. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 416-20.

Radoman, M., & Smajic, M. (2011). Analysis of elements of game breaks in football. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 115-27.

Radovanovic, D., & Popovic, S. (2011). Elementary techniques of basic hand strokes in modern karate. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 46-52.

Radovic, M., & Fijat, L. (2011). Market economy as a precondition establishment ownership structure in sports organizations. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 384-9.

Rakojevic, B. (2011). Influence of sport training on diferences physical performance between high school boys and football players. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 195-200.

Rashiti, N., Ibri, L., & Sylejmani, B. (2011). Anthropometric characteristics and functional abilities with school children athletes and non-athletes from prizren. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 349-52.

Rashiti, N., Nika, F., & Sylejmani, B. (2011). Predictory value of a battery of motor tests with reference to short-distance and long-distance running. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 260-5.

Rasidagic, F. (2011). Model strukturiranja procjene uspjeŠnosti primjenjen u nastavi sporta i tjelesnog odgoja. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 138-46.

Rasovic, D., & Zivanovic, N. (2011). Momcilo tapavica life and work in montenegro. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 448-56.

Rasovic, D., Madic, D., Okicic, T., Okicic, S., & Petrovic, V. (2011). Development of streinght in annual cycle training. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 353-8.

Redzic, H. i Katanic, N. (2011). Kvantitativne promjene morfoloških karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti dječaka predškolske dobi primjenom programa elementarnih igara u vodi i na suhom. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 409-15.

Rexhepi, F., & Hraski, Z. (2011). Basic biomechanical characteristics of the second phase (tsukuri) of judo throwing technique osoto gari. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 249-55.

Sahit, P., Lulzim, I., Sylejman, S. i Shkelzen, S. (2011). Razlike u antropometriskim karakteristikama i motoričkim sposobnostime između dječaka hrvača, dječaka fudbalera i dječaka ne sportaša. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 269-76.

Samardzic, B., & Bjeljac, S. (2011). Differences in motoric abilities of motor siccessful and unsuccessful adolescent handball players. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 433-40.

Samardzic, B., & Bjeljac, S. (2011). Pro-activist and inter-activist style of management as a necessary condition for development of sports management. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 411-19.

Samardzic, B., & Soldat, P. (2011). Differences in anthropometric characteristics between senior out and indoor football players. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 323-30.

Saracevic, Z., Biberovic, A., Huremovic, T., & Zeljkovic, M. (2011). Shot put o’brian technique, extending the analysis of technique from four to six phases with the description. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 493-500.

Sekeljic, G., & Stamatovic, M. (2011). Physical education between art and science. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 63-8.

Sekeljic, G., & Stamatovic, M. (2011). The attitudes and interests of female students for the teaching contents and the classes of physical education. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 132-9.

Selhanovic, D. (2011). Promotion of montenegro through sports. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 119-22.

Selimovic, I., & Ejup, M. (2011). The effect of basic motor abilities on dribbling speed and precision in soccer game. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 171-9.

Selimovic, I., & Ejup, M. (2011). The effects of basic motor abilities on dribbling results in soccer. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 166-70.

Separovic, V., Pojskic, H., & Uzicanin, E. (2011). The differences between successful and unsuccessful teams in nonstandard statistical parameters of situational efficiency at european basketball championship for cadets. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 143-7.

Smajic, M., Tomic, B., & Bekvalac, D. (2011). Attitudes of football players of different age on illegal stimulants of recovery. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 158-65.

Sokoli, B., Pireva, F., & Vehapi, S. (2011). Eficyency of the ball passes in the finale soccer match in the europena championship ,,euro 2008”. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 123-31.

Spirtovic, O., Acimovic, D. i Konicanin, A. (2011). Metodika oblikovanja fudbalskog treninga. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 478-83.

Stosic, D., Gracanin, J., & Trajkovic, N. (2011). The effects of dance aerobics on physical fitness. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 61-68.

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Tahiraj, E., Shatri, F., & Fazlija, A. (2011). Material funds allocation for sports in kosovo. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 128-31.

Tahiraj, E., Shatri, F., & Grajqevci, F. (2011). Anthropometric and motor characteristics in volleyball and basketball players. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 14-18.

Tanovic, I., & Mehinovic, J. (2011). Canonic relation basico-motorical abilities on situation successful children in small football. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 378-83.

Tanovic, I., Gerdijan, N., Bratovcic, V., & Pireva, F. (2011). Effects of outschool body activities on qualitative changes of motorical status pupils of primary school strature. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 501-8.

Tatar, N., & Cupic, R. (2011). Level of anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities of sedentary and children who are in training in various sports orientation. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 24-30.

Tatar, N., Muleskovic, M., & Cupic, R. (2011). Survey of students and teachers of physical education about physical activity of pupils in elementary school. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 48-54.

Terzic, I., & Gardasevic, B. (2011). Relations of constitutional characteristics and motoric abilities of serbia and montenefro and montenegro. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 69-75.

Tomic, B., Molnar, S., & Radoman, M. (2011). Differences between football players of different gaming positions based on some basic and specific motor abilities. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 185-91.

Tosic, S., Mekic, B., & Aleksic, D. (2011). Effect of flexibility on the results of dolphin swimming technique. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 295-301.

Trajkovic, N., Milanovic, Z., & Gracanin, I. (2011). Plyometric training for youths. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 311-16.

Trivun, M. (2011). The bologna declaration and its effects on swimming. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 235-43.

Trivun, M., Vukovic, S., & Budimlic, J. (2011). The relations between anthropological dimensions and swimming the breast stroke. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 166-70.

Trivun, M., Vukovic, S., & Pasic, G. (2011). Effective frequency value kayaking flatwater. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 171-75.

Vitosevic, B. i Popovic-Ilic, T. (2011). Vežbanje kao faktor modifikacije nivoa kortizola. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 337-42.

Vitosevic, B., & Vitosevic, Z. (2011). Biotechnology of recombinant hormones in doping. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 284-9.

Vojinovic, Z. (2011). Individual about collective risks in sport and possibilities their cover. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 321-6.

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Vuckovic, G., & Dopsaj, M. (2011). A disciriminative model of basic anthropomorphological indicators for female handball players in the first phase of selecting position within the team. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 254-9.

Vuckovic, G., & Mitrovic, S. (2011). The evaluation of special physical education subject content. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 484-92.

Vuckovic, G., & Radovanovic, D. (2011). Differences in morphological status between highschool sportsmen and non-sportsmen. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 280-5.

Vukasovic, D., & Dzeko, S. (2011). Balancing of stocks of sports equipment in the inflation. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 342-8.

Vukasovic, D., & Novakovic, S. (2011). Private security in sport. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 390-5.

Vukotic, M. (2011). Differences of anthropometric characteristic and motor abilities of different sport orientation. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 112-18.

Vukotic, M.,& Musovic, A. (2011). Differences of motor and functional abilities in football and handball players aged thirteen to fiftenn years. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 119-25.

Vuksanovic, V. (2011). Promene maksimalnog potencijala snage na fleksore zgloba lakta posle šest nedeljnog programiranog vežbanja sa matriks metodom. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 305-10.

Vuksanovic, V. i Jovanovski, J. (2011). Promene maksimalne snage kod fleksora zgloba lakta posle šest nedeljnog vežbanja sa skraćenim amplitudama. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 311-15.

Zahirovic, J., Djug, M., Mehinovic, J. i Jelcic, M. (2011). Tipska identifikacija studentica sa aspekta dinamike transformacije morfoloških karakteristika u fitnes treningu. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 466-72.