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Dusko Bjelica1, Marina Vukotic1, Jovan Gardasevic1, , ,

1University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro

Repulsions Ball in Table Tennis

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2018, 2(4), 15-19 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.181003


The purpose of this research was to conclude how height and time of the duration of a bounce of table tennis ball are in the relation with prescribed (standard) pressure. The recording was performed by a professional digital rapid-cinocamera. The ball was released from the height of nine meters on a flat, solid surface. The surface of the collision was measured with portable contrast colours of the ball and surface before the collision with the surface and measurement of the surface prints on the ball and surface after the bounce. No matter how many times the ball was moving vertically down in free fall it did not have vertical rebound of four successive bouncing. The existance of ball asymmetry and consequences of that asymmetry predominantly had a negative effect on the determination of the height of culmination points. To establish certain legality in the repulsion of table tennis ball it is necessary to define two sizes: the spacial or height of culmination point of the ball of each rebound from one side, and time or the moment of the rebound of the ball on the other side. We can conclude that by the observation of the sum of the path from the moment of release to culmination point of the fourth rebound of the ball, the path and total duration of the four successive bouncing mostly depends on prescribed pressure.


Table Tennis, Table Tennis Ball, Bounce

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