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Miomir Maros1, , ,

1University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro

Articles of football published in Sport Mont from 2003 to 2018

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2018, 2(4), 83-88 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.181015


Sport Mont is a scientific journal that has existed for 15 years and has so far published about 1000 scientific papers. The papers are from various fields of sports science - biomechanics, physiology, sports medicine, anthropology, methodology and other fields of sports. In this paper, we classified works from the field of football, which were over 200. We also found that the published works had themes - the most contemporary tendencies in sports science. This research can be useful for further theoretical research, as well as for practitioners in the field of football, because they can find a bibliography of this sport in one place.


Science, Sport Mont, Sport, Football, Montenegro

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Acimovic, D., Hadzic, R., & Spirtovic, O. (2011). Situacioni trening u fudbalu. Sport Mont 8(25-26-27), 65-7.

Alaj, I., Arifi, F., Metaj, Z., Cula, L., Nebiu, J., & Sermaxhaj, S. (2015). Differences in anthropometric space and motor dimensions between the two clubs in the category of cadets. Sport Mont, 13(43-44-45), 252-5.

Andrasic, S., Ujsasi, D., Orlic D., & Cvetkovic, M. (2015). Relations between morphological characteristics and accuracy of kicking a ball by young football players. Sport Mont, 13(43-44-45), 337-44.

Andrasic, S., Cvetkovic, M., Jaksic, D., & Orlic, D. (2013). Loading structure of youth football players during a match determined according to a heart rate frequency. Sport Mont, 11(37-38-39), 389-97.

Andrasic, S., Cvetkovic, M., Milic, Z., Ujsasi, D., & Orlic, D., (2016). Assessment and Differences in Anaerobic Capacity of Football Players Playing on Different Positions in the Team, Using Rast Test. Sport Mont, 14(3), 21-4.

Arifi, F., Alaj, I., Metaj, Z., Sermaxhaj, S., & Nebiu, J. (2015). Canonic relations of anthropometric and motor space between students as football players and non football players. Sport Mont, 13(43-44-45), 256-61.

Bajramovic, I., Talovic, M., Alic, H., & Jeleskovic, E. (2008). Nivo kvanititativnih promjena specifično – motoričkih sposobnosti nogometaša pod uticajem situacionog treninga. Sport Mont 6(15-16-17), 104-9.

Bajramovic, S., & Mekic, M. (2007). Kanoničke relacije bazično – motoričkih sposobnosti i uspješnosti u nogometnoj igri kod juniora Premijer lige. Sport Mont, 5(12-13-14), 323-30.

Bajric, O., Mekic M., & Bajric, S. (2010). Kvalitativne promjene situaciono – motoričkih sposobnosti nogometaša pod uticajem programa nogometa. Sport Mont. 8(23-24), 149-56.

Bajric, O., Talovic, M., Jeleskovic E., & Kovacevic, Z. (2010). Partial and general quantitative changes of morphological characteristics in football players 14 to 16 years of age. Sport Mont. 7(21-22), 270-5.

Bijelić, B. (2004). Uticaj redovne primjene malog fudbala, basketa i odbojke na fitness index učesnika u rekreaciji. Sport Mont, 2(2-3), 152-60.

Bjelica D. (2005). Razvoj tjelesnih sposobnosti mladih fudbalera mediteranske regije u Crnoj Gori uticajem sportskog treninga. Sport Mont, 3(6-7), 208-22.

Bjelica D. (2005). Tradiciju sačuvala fudbalska lopta. Sport Mont, 3(5), 99.

Bjelica, D. (2005). Sportski trening i antropomotoričke sposobnosti fudbalera petnaestogodišnjaka kontinentalne regije u Crnoj Gori. Sport Mont, 3(5), 46-59.

Bjelica, D. (2005). Sportski trening i njegov uticaj na antropomotoričke sposobnosti fudbalera četvrnaestogodišnjaka mediteranske regije u Crnoj Gori Uvod. Sport Mont, 3(8-9), 26-40.

Bjelica, D. (2008). Impact of the local fatigue on the sport precision in football. Sport Mont, 6(15-16-17), 56-60.

Bjelica, D. (2009). Difference in the shoot exactness per a football with varying intensity and in the state of exhaustion. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 70-7.

Bjelica, D. (2004). Proširena metodologija istraživanja u odnosu na reprezentativni uzorak u odnosu na reprezentativni uzorak u fudbalu. Sport Mont, 2(2-3), 161-71.

Bjelica, D., Popovic, S. (2018). Fudbal, tehnika i taktika. Podgorica, Univerzitet Crne Gore

Bjelica, D., Milosevic, Z., Talovic, M., & Bajramovic, I. (2018). Repulsion of the Futsal Ball Depending on the Pressure in it. Sport Mont, 16(2), 61-7.

Bronja, A., & Konicanin, A. (2006). The football, basketball and volleyball players antropometric characteristics. Sport Mont, 4(10-11), 334-44.

Corluka, M., Bjelica, D., Vasiljevic, I., Bubanja, M., Georgiev, G., & Zeljko, I. (2018). Differences in the Morphological Characteristics and Body Composition of Football Players of HSC Zrinjski Mostar and FC Siroki Brijeg in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sport Mont,16(2), 77-81.

Cvetkovic, M., Andrasic, S., Orlic, D., & Popovic, B. (2014). Assessment of anaerobic capabilities of football players in relation with length of their sports engagement. Sport Mont. 12(40-41-42), 181-7.

Cvetkovic, M., Andrasic, S., Popovic, B., & Orlic, D. (2014). Assessment of anaerobic threshold in football players on different positions, using the Conconi test. Sport Mont, 12(40-41-42), 188-93.

Djosic, N. (2011). Effect of jumps in profoundness on the footballer reflection. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 239-42.

Doder, D., & Golik – Peric, D. (2007). Muscular imbalances of footballers established by isokinetic diagnostics. Sport Mont, 5(12-13-14), 115-20.

Ejup, M., Hodzic, M., Hadziahmetovic A., & Feric, A. (2010). Utjecaj bazično – motoričkih sposobnosti na brzinu vođenja lopte i preciznost u nogometnoj igri njemačkih nogometaša – kadeta, uzrasta od 12 do 14 godina. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 84-93.

Fratric, F. & Starovlah, M. (2009). Differences in functional and motor abilities of young football players, basketball and volleyball players. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 495-503.

Gardasevic, J., Bjelica, D., Vasiljevic, I., & Milasinovic, R. (2016). The Effects of the Training in the Preparation Period on the Repetitive Strength Transformation with Cadet Level Football Players. Sport Mont, 14(2), 31-3.

Gardasevic, J., & Bjelica, D. (2012). Validity of the situational-motor tests with football players at the age of 15. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 488-92.

Gardasevic, J., & Bjelica, D. (2013). The effects of programmed training on flexibility change of cadet age football players in period of 6 weeks. Sport Mont, 11(37-38-39), 212-7.

Gardasevic, J., & Bjelica, D. (2014). The effects of the training in the preparation period on the dribbling speed with fifteen years old football players. Sport Mont, 12(40-41-42), 160-6.

Gardasevic, J., Bjelica D., & Popovic, S. (2015). The effects of the training in the preparation period on the agility transformation with cadet level football players. Sport Mont, 13(43-44-45), 355-60.

Gardasevic, J., Bjelica, D., & Corluka, M. (2018). The Impact of the Preparation Period on Endurance at Football Players U16. Sport Mont. 16(1), 21-4.

Gardasevic, J., Bjelica, D., & Vasiljevic, I. (2017). The Strength of Kicking the Ball after Preparation Period with U15 Football Players. Sport Mont, 15(2), 39-42.

Gardasevic, J., Bjelica, D., &Vasiljevic, I. (2016). Six-Week Preparation Period and its Effects on Transformation Movement Speed with Football Players Under 16. Sport Mont 14(1), 13-6.

Gavrilović, Z. (2003). Fudbal u Bjelopavlićima od 1919. do 2004. godine od Sloge do Iskre – iz teksta za monografiju. Sport Mont, 1(1), 108-17.

Gusic, M., Popovic, S., Molnar, S., Masanovic, B., & Radakovic, M. (2017). Sport-Specific Morphology Profile: Differences in Anthropometric Characteristics among Elite Soccer and Handball Players, Sport Mont, 15(1), 3-6.

Hadzic, R. (2004). Uticaj bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti na preciznost fudbalera uzrasta 14 – 16 godina. Sport Mont, 2(2-3), 316-26.

Hadzic, R. (2005). Prediktivna vrijednost bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti na rezultate situaciono – motoričkih sposobnosti fudbalera uzrasta 14 – 16 godina. Sport Mont, 3(8-9), 219-26.

Halasi, S. (2011). The attitudes of pupils towards the values of football at the elementary school in Mali Iđoš. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 219-23.

Hrcek, V., & Bagľas, I. (2018). Is Financial Reward Enough for Motivation in Football? Sport Mont, 16(2), 107-11.

Ivezic, S. (2004). “Open fun football schools”, Sport Mont, 2(4), 71-4.

Jankovic, I., & Jonic, Z. (2006). Basic mobility of football players and non-sportsmen at preadolescent age. Sport Mont, 4(10-11), 395-9.

Joksimovic, V., & Joksimovic, M. (2006). Functional rehabilitation and physical treatment of muscle tissue injuries of football players. Sport Mont, 4(10-11), 583-9.

Jovanovic, N. (2004). 85 godina fudbala u Bjelopavlićima 1919-2004. Sport Mont, 2(4), 101-2.

Kalentic, Z., Cvetkovic, M., & Obradovic, J. (2008). Differences in explosive leg power between young children who play football and those who do not. Sport Mont, 6(15-16-17), 534-7.

Kanniyan, A. (2015). Competitive state anxiety: impact of positive self talk training on junior level football players. Sport Mont, 13(43-44-45), 42-9.

Kapidzic, A. & Mujanovic, E. (2009). Prediktivne vrijednosti konativnih karakteristika na rezultate situacionih testova u nogometu. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 132-7.

Kapidzic, A. (2008). Utjecaj kognitivnih sposobnosti na rezultate situacionih testova u nogometu. Sport Mont, 6(15-16-17), 655-60.

Kapidzic, A. (2010). Prediktivne vrijednosti morfoloških karakteristika na rezultate situacionih testova u nogometu. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 263-9.

Kapidzic, A., Smajic, M., Radoman M., & Tomic, B. (2010). Relationship between morphological characteristics and situational-motor abilities in football. Sport Mont.7(21-22), 283-9.

Kojic, P., & Cokorilo, R. (2013). Opinion of athletes of the need realization of psychological preparation in football clubs of Vojvodina. Sport Mont. 11(37-38-39), 163-72.

Konicanin, A., & Bronja, A. (2005). Razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima i morfološkim karakteristikama fudbalera (petlića) Bara i Novog Pazara. Sport Mont, 3(6-7), 383-90.

Krsmanovic, B., Krulanovic, R., Krsmanovic T., & Kovacevic, R. (2010). Aerobic and anaerobic capacity of football players as determinant for programming training work. Sport Mont. 7(21-22), 245-9.

Lilic, Lj, & Aleksic, D. (2012). The specifics of motor abilities of football players in relation to the rank of competition. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 290-7.

Lilic, Lj. (2007). Some morphologic characteristics of football players. Sport Mont, 5(12-13-14), 632-7.

Lulzim, I., Sahit, P., Sylejman, S., & Shkelzen, S. (2011). Influence of anthropometric characteristic in manifestation explosiv force of footballers age 16. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 277-83.

Maksimovic, N., Matic, R., & Milosevic, Z. (2011). Leadership characteristics of executives on different level of management in football. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 598-604.

Masic, Z., & Radotic, F. (2011). Analysis of synthetic footbal surfaces. Sport Mont. 8(25-26-27), 373-7.

Matin, V., & Sæther, S., A., (2017). Talented High School Football Players’ Perception of Talent Identification Criteria. Sport Mont,15(2), 3-7.

Mekic, M., & Hadzic, R. (2006). Base movement influence of hitting ball using had and foot in football game. Sport Mont, 4(10-11), 160-6.

Mekić, M., & Bajramović, S. (2007). Sposobnosti nogometaša – juniora Premijer lige u prostoru konativnih karakteristika. Sport Mont, 5(12-13-14), 35-46.

Molnar, S., Smajic, M., Popovic S., & Tomic, B. (2010). Analysis of differences between boys attending a football school and thos who do not do sport with specific-motor abilities. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 204-9.

Molnar, S., Popovic S., & Doder, D. (2010). Comparation some motoric abilities two generation of football school players. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 64-8.

Mrkovic R., Talovic, M., Mekic, M., Jeleskovic E. & Alic, H. (2011). Relation between basic physical capabilities and the theoretic knowledge laws of the game with the success of refreeing of football referees. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 74-82.

Nedeljkov, N., Smajic, M., Molnar, S., & Tomic, B. (2011). Differences in explosive strength of legs of footballers of cadet categories. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 103-9.

Nerland, E., & Sæther, S.A. (2016). Norwegian Football Academy Players-Players Self-Assessed Competence, Perfectionism, Goal Orientations and Motivational Climate. Sport Mont, 14(2), 7-11.

Nikolić, M., & Lilić, Lj. (2004). Valorizacija kao bitna pretpostavka uspeha u fudbalu. Sport Mont, 2(2-3), 354-8.

Osmani, A., & Mamaj, D. (2014). Opinions of young football players about the coach, team-mates and football, Sport Mont, 12(40-41-42), 85-8.

Osmani, A., & Mamaj, D. (2014). Effects of motoric abilities on the specific motoric abilities of football players aged between 14 and 16. Sport Mont, 12(40-41-42), 81-4.

Popovic, S., Molnar S., & Smajic, M. (2010). Influence of summer break at some motoric abilities on football players aged 10 years old. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 58-63.

Popovic, S., Smajic, M., Joksimovic A., & Masanovic, B. (2010). The differences in body composition between football players of different rank competitions. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 362-7.

Popovic-Ilic, T., Vitosevic, B., & Ilic, I. (2011). The differences in BMI values between top football and volleyball players. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 416-20.

Preljevic, A. (2008). Transformacije motoričkih i specifičnih motoričkih dimenzija mlađih pionirki u odnosu na programske sadržaje fudbala. Sport Mont, 6(15-16-17), 770-3.

Racek, O., & Pelikán, O. (2015). Role of sports management in preparation for football referees in the Czech Republic. Sport Mont, 13(43-44-45), 361-8.

Radoman, M., & Smajic, M., (2011). Analysis of elements of game breaks in football. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 115-27.

Radoman, M., Smajic, M., Joksimovic A., & Tomic, B. (2010). Analysis of different forms of shots in football. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 198-203.

Radovic, M. (2005). „Od Sloge do Iskre” monografija 85 godina fudbala u Bjelopavlićima. Sport Mont, 3(5), 87-90.

Raickovic, N. (2005). Kanonička povezanost situaciono – motoričkih spoosobnosti, preciznosti i koordinacije i njihov uticaj na uspjeh u fudbalu. Sport Mont, 3(6-7), 223-30.

Raickovic, N. (2006). The importance of physical ability and technical preparation fot the growth of young footballers. Sport Mont, 4(10-11), 644-50.

Raickovic, N. (2008). The influence of experimental model of sprint on development of motor and functional abilities of young footballers. Sport Mont, 6(15-16-17), 296-301.

Raickovic, N., & Rasovic, D. (2004). Relacije između motoričkih sposobnosti i rezultata situaciono – motoričkih sposobnosti fudbalera, učenika osnovnih škola. Sport Mont, 2(2-3), 299-304.

Rakocevic, T. (2007). Uticaj repetitivne snage na razvoj specifične koordinacije i uspješnost savladavanja tehnike fudbalera – početnika. Sport Mont, 5(12-13-14), 192-8.

Rakojevic, B. (2008). Talent identification in football. Sport Mont, 6(15-16-17), 418-23.

Rakojevic, B. (2011). Influence of sport training on diferences physical performance between high school boys and football players. Sport Mont, 9(28-29-30), 195-200.

Sabotic, B., & Drobnjak, D. (2007). Relacije bazično-motoričkih sposobnosti sa situaciono-motoričkim sposobnostima u fudbalu. Sport Mont, 5(12-13-14), 167-72.

Sabotic, B., & Tutic I. (2004). Relacije antropoloških karakteristika sa situaciono – motoričkim sposobnostima u fudbalu kod prvog razreda srednjih škola. Sport Mont, 2(2-3), 291-8.

Sæther, S., A. (2018). Stress among Talents in a Football Academy. Sport Mont,16(2), 3-8.

Sahit, P., Lulzim, I., Sylejman, S., & Shkelzen, S. (2011). Razlike u antropometrijskim karakteristikama i motoričkim sposobnostime između dječaka hrvača, dječaka fudbalera i dječaka ne sportaša. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 269-76.

Samardzic, B., & Soldat, P. (2011). Differences in anthropometric characteristics between senior out and indoor football players. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 323-30

Sarmento, H., Teresa Anguera, M., Campaniço, J., Resende, R., & Leitão, J., (2014). Manchester United, Internazionale Milano and FC Barcelona – what´s different? Sport Mont, 12(40-41-42), 50-6.

Sermaxhaj, S., Arifi, A., Iber, A., Bahtiri, A., Havolli, J., & Sermaxhaj, S. (2018). The Effect of Static Stretching in Agility and Isokinetic Force at Football Players. Sport Mont, 16(2), 45-9.

Sermaxhaj, S., Arifi, F., & Bahtiri, A. (2017). The Effect of Static Stretching in Agility and Isokinetic Force at Football Players. Sport Mont, 15(3), 29-33.

Singh, S., K., (2015). Causes of injuries at three levels in competitive football. Sport Mont, 13(43-44-45), 29-34.

Smajic, M., Javorac, D., Molnar, S., Huba Barasic, A., & Tomic, B. (Comparison of motor abilities of youth football players and primary school pupils), Sport Mont, 12(40-41-42), 224-31.

Smajic, M., Madic, D., Obradovic, B., Milosevic, Z., Molnar, S., & Tomic, B. (2013). Attitudes of football players of different sports experience on the allowed means of stimulating recovery. Sport Mont, 11(37-38-39), 24-8.

Smajic, M., Molnar S., & Popovic, S. (2009). Attitudes of football players of different ranks towards training exercises of recovery. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 149-52.

Smajic, M., Molnar, S. (2007). Relations betweens basic motor abilities and specific preciseness of footballers aged 10-12. Sport Mont, 5(12-13-14), 87-94.

Smajic, M., Radoman M., & Molnar, S. (2008). Structure of basic motor abilities of football players at the age of 10-12. Sport Mont, 6(15-16-17), 553-9.

Smajic, M., Tomic, B., Radoman, M., Vujovic, P., & Ivancic, G. (2012). Attitudes of football players of different age on training exercises of recovery. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 213-7.

Smajic, M., Tomic, B., & Bekvalac, D. (2011). Attitudes of football players of different age on illegal stimulants of recovery. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 158-65.

Sokoli, B., Turjaka, B., Dujaka A., & Ibri, L. (2010). Razlike u morfološkim obilježjima i motoričkim sposobnostima između igrača prvoplasirane ekipe i ostalih plasiranih ekipa fudbalske kadetske lige u Prištini. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 345-51.

Spirtovic, O., Acimovic, D., & Joksimovic, A. (2012). Differences in the level of situational –motor abilities of football players of different level competitions. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 391-4.

Spirtovic, O., & Acimovic, D. (2013). Analysis of motor abilites of football at players at different levels competition. Sport Mont, 11(37-38-39), 92-5.

Spirtovic, O., Acimovic, D., & Konicanin, A. (2011). Metodika oblikovanja fudbalskog treninga. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 478-83.

Stankovic, R. (2004). Komparativna 3D kinematička analiza udaraca po lopti u fudbalu. Sport Mont, 2(2-3), 359-62.

Stefanovic, R., & Milenkovic, V. (2007). Some of the athletic movements as the base for the motoric ability of the top-class footballers. Sport Mont, 5(12-13-14), 539-43.

Sylejmani, B., & Maliqi, A. (2012). Structure of morphologic characteristics among football players - cadet age (14-16 years old). Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 546-50.

Talovic, M., & Jeleskovic, E. (2008). Uticaj antropometrijskih obilježja na preciznost pogađanja i brzinu vođenja lopte u nogometnoj igri. Sport Mont, 6(15-16-17), 863-8.

Talović, M., & Rađo, I., (2003). Prozone računarski sistem za animaciju, dijagnostiku i kontrolu takmičarske efikasnosti i osnovnih kondicionih parametara u nogometu. Sport Mont, 1(1), 46-51.

Tanovic, I., & Mehinovic, J. (2011). Canonic relation basico-motorical abilities on situation successful children in small football. Sport Mont, 8(25-26-27), 378-83.

Tisma, M., Radoman, M., & Vujovic, P. (2012). Relation in perception of the style of behaviour of the coach and the level of stress in football. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 135-41.

Tomic, B., Molnar, S., & Radoman, M. (2011). Differences between football players of different gaming positions based on some basic and specific motor abilities. Sport Mont, 9(31-32-33), 185-91.

Tomic, B., Smajic, M., Madic, D., Obradovic, B., Molnar, S., & Radoman, M. (2013). The difference between “ideal teams” two generation of footballers in motor abilities. Sport Mont, 11(37-38-39), 324-8.

Tomic, B., Smajic, M., Radoman, M., Vujovic, P., & Ivancic, G. (2012). Comparative analysis of motor abilities of two generations of football players. Sport Mont, 10(34-35-36), 218-22.

Veseli, R., Selimi, M., Morina, A., Myrtaj, N., & Selimi, A. (2015). Relation between motoric abilities and specific motoric abilities with football players from 14 to 16 years old. Sport Mont, 13(43-44-45), 158-60.

Vuckovic, G., & Dimitrijevic, R. (2013). Discriminative model of certain motor indicators of football players as selection criteria for team position. Sport Mont, 11(37-38-39), 493-500.

Vujovic, P. & Radoman, M. (2010). Comparative analysis of technical idicators and tactical utility of their application in football. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 137-42.

Vukajlovic, V. (2009). Selection in sport – football. Sport Mont, 6(18-19-20), 202-9.

Vukotic, M., & Musovic, A. (2011). Differences of motor and functional abilities in football and handball players aged thirteen to fiftenn years. Sport Mont. 9(28-29-30), 119-25.