Dear Readers,
Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education (JASPE) was founded in 2017 and to this day 242 scientific papers of researches from all continents have been published in it.
In 2018, the editorial board has been strengthened, and this will be done continuously so the journal would grow constantly. Today, Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education (JASPE) is indexed into seven international databases, of which the most significant are DOAJ and Index Copernicus, and it must be pointed out that, at the moment, it is also passing through the evaluation process in the Scopus database, and this process will be completed very soon.
Since 2017, each scientific paper has got a recognizable DOI number. Editor-in-chief is Fidanka Vasileva who is performing this function from the beggining of 2021. A new and modern design of PDF papers has been done for the July issue of 2018, and since January issue of 2019 the Editorial Board has reached the decision to publish 10 papers per issue. Since January issue of 2021 the Editorial Board reached the decision to reduce the number of published papers on five. The last five published papers, will be contained at the home page of the site. Also, the statistic of the journal was introduced, where the latest statistical indicators can be viewed. The system of downloading papers in PDF format is modern; bar codes for each paper have been introduced, while the number of visits and downloads are visible. Also, under each paper a discussion forum was introduced, where readers can post their comments and suggestions that can improve the quality of the journal.
We thank all readers of Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education (JASPE) and we are confident that this latest edition will be informative enough.
Fidanka Vasileva
Current Issue
Kinesio Taping as a New Trend in Enhancing Anaerobic Power: A Narrative Review
J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2025, 9(1), 3-6
Original Scientific Paper
Postural disorders in preschool children
Damira Vranešić Hadžimehmedović, Marijana Arapović, Izet Bajramovic, Nedim Covic
J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2025, 9(1), 7-11
Review Paper
Applications of Pedobarographic Analysis in Children - A Systematic Review
Onur Akman, Grgur Višić, Matej Babić, Goran Sporiš, Dražen Čular, Davorin Antonic, Zvonimir Tomac, Ivica Franjo, Robert Bobinec, Damir Jurko, Mario Kasović, Danijela Kuna, Damir Labaš, Fredi Florentini, Valentin Barišić, Drena Trkulja-Petković, Ferhat Güder, Besnik Morina, Mutlu Türkmen, Zoran Milić, Ahmet Naci Dilek, Goran Špaleta, Nijaz Skender, Ekrem Çolakhodzic, Ernest Sabić, Maki Grle, Vladan Pelemiš, Vladimir Z. Momčilović, Marko Zigman, György Ferenc, Tihomir Dugandžić, Tamás Marczinka, Adem Preljević, Vedran Režić, Dejan Savićević, Nikola Rudalo, Goran Vučković, Marko Pocrnjić, Tomáš Vespačele, Marta Gimunova, Buket Šeran, Lepeš Josip, Halasi Szabolcs, Biljana Trajkovski
J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2025, 9(1), 13-25
Original Scientific Paper
Abdelkader Khelif, Aissa Chouaf, Baazi Redhouan
J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2025, 9(1), 27-32
Original Scientific Paper
J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2025, 9(1), 33-37