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About the Journal

Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education (JASPE) is a print (ISSN 2536-569X) and electronic scientific journal (eISSN 2536-5703) aims to present easy access to the scientific knowledge for sport-conscious individuals using contemporary methods. The purpose is to minimize the problems like the delays in publishing process of the articles or to acquire previous issues by drawing advantage from electronic medium. Hence, it provides:

  • Open-access and freely accessible online;
  • Fast publication time;
  • Peer review by expert, practicing researchers;
  • Post-publication tools to indicate quality and impact;
  • Community-based dialogue on articles;
  • Worldwide media coverage.


JASPE is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October of each year. JASPE publishes original scientific papers, review papers, editorials, short reports, peer review - fair review, as well as invited papers and award papers in the fields of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education, as well as it can function as an open discussion forum on significant issues of current interest.

Focus and Scope

JASPE covers all aspects of anthropology of sport and physical education from five major fields of anthropology: cultural, global, biological, linguistic and medical.


JASPE is official journal of Montenegrosport and is jointly published by:

  • Faculty for Sport and Physical Education (University of Montenegro)
  • Montenegrin Sports Academy