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Slavenko Likic1, Damira Vranešić – Hadžimehmedović1, Izet Bajramovic1, Nedim Covic1

1Universitiy of Sarajevo, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education

Access to test selection in children’s athletics – Prediction of reaching maximum speed level and result in sprint based on dynamickinematic parameters, speed-strength abilities and morphological characteristics

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2024, 8(3), 3-10 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.240701


Running speed in the form of sprinting is one of the most important abilities that can significantly define performance success in many sports. From the perspective of genetically inherited motor functions, running speed can be classified as a primary phylogenetic human movement, manifested in the form of a “threesegment model” consisting of speed, power, and coordination. By comprehensively analyzing the general and partial predictive contributions of dynamic-kinematic parameters of running, speed-power abilities, and morphological characteristics, on a sample of 80 boys aged 10-12 years, it can be concluded that regardless of the choice of criteria, achieved maximal speeds (KVMAX) or results in children’s athletic sprint over 50 meters (KT50m), the same or related predictor variables contributed to the explanation. The variable running time for 20m from a flying start (KTLS20m) has the greatest predictive contribution (β=0.83, p<0.001) to explaining both criteria, which may indicate the importance of conducting this test in the identification and selection for athletic sprint. Additionally, the selection of tests to assess speed-power abilities is extremely important for the identification and selection for athletic sprint. It can be concluded that tests of horizontal and vertical jumps are significant for identification, as well as tests for assessing neuro-muscular excitation. Tests for assessing continuous horizontal jump are also important, although there is an impression that, in boys aged 10-12 years, coordinatively simpler tests should be used. In the analysis of morphological characteristics, variables that significantly contributed to the explanation of criteria at a partial level were body height, back skinfold, and ankle diameter, indicating that in the identification of talented individuals, it should be considered that elite sprinters are characterized by light bones, optimal muscle mass, and low levels of subcutaneous fat tissue.


athletics, talent ID, speed, power, maximal velocity

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